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Must Try Shaving Soaps for Beginners


Since i've just received my very first higher quality brush (and for the next time i'll have to cut a little
bit back on my expenses) I was looking for new soaps/creams i could try. Unfortunately i couldn't find a
thread in which to look for inspirations, but a whole bunch of suggestions scattered across a lot of different

Therefore i thought: why not to create a thread in which to gather the must try shaving soaps/creams?

Happily looking forward to your must-try-soap suggestions. :thumbup:
Tabac was my first soap and I am very glad it was. Super easy to make good lather. Very traditional, old school scent.

MWF is another "must have" good one but it can be difficult to lather properly where as Tabac is pretty much fool proof.

Akro is another one that gets a lot of love. It's really cheap. I don't care for the scent, but it lather's easily too

I would check out Garry's Samples in Vendors section. He usually has samples of a lot of good stuff.
I'm not a cream guy so not much help there, but must try and cheap my list would be:

If I misread and you are looking for anything I highly recommend:
Mitchell's Wool Fat
Mystic Water
DR Harris
Start with an inexpensive stick-Arko, Palmolive or Speick -(Both of these are German so should be easily available)
and maybe an Italian soft soap- like Cella, Proraso(tubs), or any RazoRock
All the above are super easy to lather and give great, slick shaves.
I'm not a cream guy so not much help there, but must try and cheap my list would be:

If I misread and you are looking for anything I highly recommend:
Mitchell's Wool Fat
Mystic Water
DR Harris

I think i misslead you. I mean't that I wont be spending money on another brush the next two month (or so i hope :001_tt2:).

So far i've already tried:

and i think on top of my list to try is the DR Harris Arlington.
Hello DiNAn,

On a budget? That's a sure call for Arko.

Also Mama Bear now has a lot of scents available in mug size pugs, very nice.
Not that I'm recommending them for continuous use, but soaps I figure I need to try at least sample size portions of to see what the fuss is about:

Van Der Hagen (Deluxe and Luxury)
Palmolive (shave stick)
Speick (shave stick)
Arko (shave stick)

My understanding is that the Palmolive shave sticks are easier to come by in Europe than in the United States.

Williams is easier to obtain over here than in Europe. Some say its only purpose is to serve as a poor example to soapers everywhere, other guys love it and it's cheap.

The shave sticks can be grated into a mug if you don't like the stick experience and some of the soaps can be formed to fit in an empty shave stick holder if you so desire.
If I were to set up a beginning shaver with several different types of soaps & creams, that won't break the bank (from a USD perspective...not sure what they'd cost in Germany), I'd suggest:

Mystic Water - pick your favorite scent
Calani - pick your favorite scent
C.O. Bigelow/Poraso - I know it's not a soap, but still....
Arko stick
RazoRock Artisan Series soap
RazoRock Shave Cream Soap (XXX or Fresco)
DR Harris Soap
I like the Honeybee soaps. I find them easy to lather, very slick, and about a million (maybe a slight exaggeration) different scents... On top of that the price is right, samples are also large and low priced.
Arko has the best price/performance ratio of any soap or cream. Seriously. If you look at it, its likely to shower you in slick, protective lather. IMHO, there are only a few soaps that come close to the performance. The Ivory/Lemon PEZ scent is too much for some people, but I love it. And all you need to do if you don't like the scent is to mix it with Kiss My Face or some other cream, and you've got great smelling superlather.

Since i've just received my very first higher quality brush (and for the next time i'll have to cut a little
bit back on my expenses) I was looking for new soaps/creams i could try. Unfortunately i couldn't find a
thread in which to look for inspirations, but a whole bunch of suggestions scattered across a lot of different

Therefore i thought: why not to create a thread in which to gather the must try shaving soaps/creams?

Happily looking forward to your must-try-soap suggestions. :thumbup:


All that is needed to be said.
Mitchell's Wool Fat
D R Harris Arlington
AOS Sandalwood

Those are the classics; the "must try" soaps. There are many other truly wonderful and outstanding soaps, but i'd start with some of those. Different scents, different consistencies, different countries, etc.. Enjoy!
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