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Music/Movies and DRM - arghhh!

Wow, for a second I thought I hadn't closed a Slashdot tab.

So we all know that DRM only restricts the honest users and the casual pirates. I have software on my systems for stripping pretty much all of it, even though I only use it on my games, I just like to have the option. The second I buy a new CD I rip it onto my computer in FLAC format. The original CD goes in the case and into a box and becomes a backup, the rest goes onto a burnt CD so I don't care if it gets scratched up. I don't waste time buying digital music, but I do download it (more on that in a moment); it's cheaper to buy a used CD and rip that. Yes, it takes a bit longer than getting the DRMed stuff, but it's worth it.

My biggest complaint is the FUD regarding digital music. Not all music you don't pay for is illegal. Anyone hear of Jamendo? You could head over there, download all the music, not pay a dime and still be within the law. There's good music there and if you agree, you donate directly to the artist. I've downloaded about 6GB of music from that site and no one's given me crap for it. Whenever I have money (at least once a month), I donate at least $10 to an artist I liked and cross their name off my list of people to pay. If you don't like DRM, vote with your wallet and go somewhere else.
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