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Mushroom cloud

Just think, very soon Iran will have a nice compact version in the Middle East! Not looking forward to that prospect.

Israel already has a couple hundred of them and Iran hasn't attacked any of its neighbors or dropped white phosphorus on anyone.
Strange to think that 30 years ago I was growing up with that hanging over us (and we were learning about the theory of global cooling in geography, which seems pretty weird now...)

By there was always the absolute safety of hiding under your desk at school right? No atomic blast could penetrate that half inch of pine.

Atomic energy is interesting, but it's really a gateway drug for astrophysics. I wish I had the time to take some Astrophysics courses just because that stuff is so damned interesting.
By there was always the absolute safety of hiding under your desk at school right?
We had a government booklet called "Protect and Survive" - had great advice like 'after the alert, make sure you turn of the gas and electricity and close the windows'.

Atomic energy is interesting, but it's really a gateway drug for astrophysics. I wish I had the time to take some Astrophysics courses just because that stuff is so damned interesting.
LOL - my degree was in A/P - loved it. So many 'wow' moments. The theory behind Supernova stunned me. We'd be talking that a star would spend X billion years in this phase, then that phase, then it would start the final phase which would take...
... 25 years followed by a few minutes of core collapse then Kaboom.

By stellar terms, not even a split second from massive nuclear furnace to expanding afterglow.
I notice that those with mil tags are the ones that found this horrifying/disturbing.
That should tell us something.
Ya can't roller skate in a buffalo herd
Ya can't roller skate in a buffalo herd
Ya can't roller skate in a buffalo herd
But you can be happy if you've a mind to
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