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Musgo Real Source

I'd like to send my father, who lives in the USA, some Musgo Real Creme para Barbear for Christmas. (Ironically, I live in Spain and haven't been able to find this fine product here or in Portugal, where it is made.)

I'd like to find an American on-line shop that offers this product as well as women's cosmetics as I want to send his wife a small gift, too.

Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.

Happy Holidays,

I might suggest you try Barclay Crocker...nice folks to do business with. A browser search should put you in touch.

Smallflower.com is a good source for both men and womens cosmetics.

Drugstore.com is a very reliable vendor also for this.
I thought Musgo Real was made in Portugal, am I wrong? How can you not find it in Portugal?

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