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Muhle R89 + Shark = Best DE shave ever

A few months back I posted my thoughts on a blade sampler I tried. Shark blades came in second place behind the 7 o'clock Permasharp.

My new Muhle R89 (old type) doesn't like the 7. This is a very aggressive razor, and I thought the smoothness of that blade would calm it. But in tonight's shave I loaded it with a Shark, and I got the best DE shave I've ever had since I started shaving like this in January. No nicks, weepers, zero irritation...3 passes and about 90% BBS. And the blade skated across my face. I was blown away. My previous 2 shaves with the R89 left a lot of redness on my face, but tonight was as close to a perfect shave as I've ever had. And the only thing that I changed was the blade.

In my opinion, Sharks deserve more attention than they get. Anything that tames the R89 is a winner in my book. I now love this blade. :biggrin:
I shaveed with a Shark in my R89 this morning, for some reason it seemed harder to get the blade alignment right with the shark than the crystal. Anyhow it was a great shave zero irritation, a bit better than the crystal not too much though. The thing is that the R89 demands alot of attention, and I mean ALOT!
Yes it does. I'm convinced that the R89 was discontinued because the head cap is just too narrow to cover the comb adequately, therefore the blade "sticks up," making it easier for it to bite you.

I replaced the cap with a Merkur cap and stuck the new combo into a Parker handle. It instantly improved the R89, though it's still a very aggressive shaver.
It's always nice finding the blade that transforms a razor and shave into a sublime experience-gives me fond memories of my first shave w/ a Feather in a Blue Lady.

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