A few months back I posted my thoughts on a blade sampler I tried. Shark blades came in second place behind the 7 o'clock Permasharp.
My new Muhle R89 (old type) doesn't like the 7. This is a very aggressive razor, and I thought the smoothness of that blade would calm it. But in tonight's shave I loaded it with a Shark, and I got the best DE shave I've ever had since I started shaving like this in January. No nicks, weepers, zero irritation...3 passes and about 90% BBS. And the blade skated across my face. I was blown away. My previous 2 shaves with the R89 left a lot of redness on my face, but tonight was as close to a perfect shave as I've ever had. And the only thing that I changed was the blade.
In my opinion, Sharks deserve more attention than they get. Anything that tames the R89 is a winner in my book. I now love this blade.
My new Muhle R89 (old type) doesn't like the 7. This is a very aggressive razor, and I thought the smoothness of that blade would calm it. But in tonight's shave I loaded it with a Shark, and I got the best DE shave I've ever had since I started shaving like this in January. No nicks, weepers, zero irritation...3 passes and about 90% BBS. And the blade skated across my face. I was blown away. My previous 2 shaves with the R89 left a lot of redness on my face, but tonight was as close to a perfect shave as I've ever had. And the only thing that I changed was the blade.
In my opinion, Sharks deserve more attention than they get. Anything that tames the R89 is a winner in my book. I now love this blade.