I emailed the shaving shack in regards to their classic razor that resembles the old R89...and Dan responded with:
We've had a number of enquiries recently...although I could swear blind that they are Muhle, my suppliers have told me they are not any particular brand...
One of his customers has remarked that, in hhis opinion, it is some hybrid Muhle.
Can someone please let me know if they are indeed the old style Muhle R89, a hybrid type or do I need to buy an actual R89 used?
Thank you kindly in advance and thank you Dan for the quick reply to my question. Happy New Year all!
We've had a number of enquiries recently...although I could swear blind that they are Muhle, my suppliers have told me they are not any particular brand...
One of his customers has remarked that, in hhis opinion, it is some hybrid Muhle.
Can someone please let me know if they are indeed the old style Muhle R89, a hybrid type or do I need to buy an actual R89 used?
Thank you kindly in advance and thank you Dan for the quick reply to my question. Happy New Year all!