I've been shaving for just over a month, and have been given/lent/borrowed sever razors from my dad. He initially got this razor because of all the interest here, but has become more of a SE guy. So I decided to give it a try today. I have used one open comb previously, with good results, the Gillette Old Type with a ball end. I figured the R41 would just be sort of like that.
Man, was I wrong.
I loaded the R41 with an Astra blade (thats the blade I'm most familiar with), and lathered up some Tabac soap (which I love, both the scent and texture of lather). I did my standard 3-pass shave (WTG, XTG, ATG). The first thing I noticed was 'this sounds like a SE.' The audio feedback was *much* louder than any DE razor I have ever used by a considerable amount. I noticed it was pretty aggressive too; a lot of the blade come in contact with your face with this open comb design. The Old Type I used before wasn't that aggressive till you started going ATG. With the R41, I could immediately feel the aggressiveness. XTG wasn't too intense, but ATG was extremely intense. I experienced a lot of drag, especially where I have thicker hair: my chin and chinstrap mainly.
In the end, it was one of the best shaves I have ever gotten, even better than the one use of a SE I have tried (this probably due to inexperience). I have hoestly never gotten such a good shave. My entire face was BBS, no missed spots, and my neck was also BBS with a few slightly rougher patches. Surprisingly, I didn't get any razor burn, and only one weeper on my first pass. I could be the next convert to this fine razor, and the newest member of the BOTOC!
Man, was I wrong.
I loaded the R41 with an Astra blade (thats the blade I'm most familiar with), and lathered up some Tabac soap (which I love, both the scent and texture of lather). I did my standard 3-pass shave (WTG, XTG, ATG). The first thing I noticed was 'this sounds like a SE.' The audio feedback was *much* louder than any DE razor I have ever used by a considerable amount. I noticed it was pretty aggressive too; a lot of the blade come in contact with your face with this open comb design. The Old Type I used before wasn't that aggressive till you started going ATG. With the R41, I could immediately feel the aggressiveness. XTG wasn't too intense, but ATG was extremely intense. I experienced a lot of drag, especially where I have thicker hair: my chin and chinstrap mainly.
In the end, it was one of the best shaves I have ever gotten, even better than the one use of a SE I have tried (this probably due to inexperience). I have hoestly never gotten such a good shave. My entire face was BBS, no missed spots, and my neck was also BBS with a few slightly rougher patches. Surprisingly, I didn't get any razor burn, and only one weeper on my first pass. I could be the next convert to this fine razor, and the newest member of the BOTOC!