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Muhle R106??

Hey guys,

just bought this one with ebony handle...Anyone with the same razor? Comments? Anything?




I have an R89 with the plated brass handle. It is my favorite razor.
I also have the R106. Combined with the Astra SP it is pretty much my favorite razor. Definitely the smoothest feeling shave that I get out of the few razors I own. I like the balance that I get when I hold it right where the head meets the handle.
Nice! I have some feathers right now. I also ordered a sampler
pack. The pack contains dorkos, astrAs, derbya, black feathers

i will keep you posted. I'm currently using a straight razor but i've used a merkur 38c and a gilette red tip. It will be interesting to see how t compares
The black acrylic handle is very slippery when wet. Just something to keep in mind.

Great head on the razor though.
Thanks i will keep that mind. What blade
do you guys prefer in it?

My experience with R89 (same head as R106) is that it is good match with Feather. I also use Derby horizontal and Gillette Platinum but most of the time I reach for Feather.
I have the R106. And the R89.
The R106 is a great razor. Shaves wonderfully. The feather is a great blade. Shaves perfectly. Also a superb blade for the Muhle razors is the Iridium super.
If you can grab some, give it a try. You will love it.
I haven't tried Astras yet in the R106 but it is my next blade to try.
I suspect it will be a really good combo since I remember the Astra where really sharp in the HD.
I have recently obtained an R89, and have been experimenting with different blades.

So far have had awesome shave with Feathers, and great shaves with Red IP's, and Derbys - although the Derbys' don't last as long as the IP's.

Yet to try the Astra's and from the posts above, sounds like they will work well.

I love the R89 - a nicely balanced razor compared to my Murker 1904. :w00t:

The R106, I really really dig it!
It was the first razor I bought after a lot of research.
(Mainly here on B&B, of course. There is a good R106 review here).


Merkurs do not appeal to me at all (though I will buy one some time, I guess).
But the look and feel, and the sheer quality of the Muhle are very convincing to me.

I found these razors to bee well made, very precise.
Very high quality, and good looking.
The head is amazing, a great piece of design.
(The same is on the Edwin Jagger I think).

It still is my most trusted razor, loaded with Feathers indeed as this seems to be the match made in heaven.

I do not find the handle slippery, though. I can imagine it can be, as it is very smooth, but have no problems at all.
It is as good in terms of grip as my R41, who has the metal, curled handle.


So, enjoy your R106.
I am sure you are gonna like it!

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