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Movies that ARE better than the book

While I'm not sure about any that have been "better", I think there are some that are as good. Can't wait to see who lines up to be berated for their suggestions. This one could get messy. :popc:
James Dickey's "Deliverance" was a remarkable book, but I'll venture to say that John Boorman's film took it to another level.
Hmm, thats a really hard one. There are some really great movies out there that are defiantly more popular than the book. Jaws, Forrest Gump, Fight Club, The Princess Bride, and even the James Bond series. I've actually read none of them except the James Bond books. There are actually things I like about both the Bond books and movies that I'd say neither is better than the other.

Another, Stardust (by my favorite author Neil Gaiman) has a great movie adaptation, which is neither worse or better than the book. Most movie adaptations try to do too much, while achieving very little of the actual book. Gaiman helped write the screenplay, so the movie did a great job of leaving out the stuff that didn't matter, and changing things around enough to make it a great film on its own.
I can't really think of any. I'm odd, though. If I read the book before watching the movie, I generally hate the movie. If I watch the movie first, I can still enjoy it after reading the book.

That said, I have really enjoyed the first two Hobbit movies despite being a long-time fan of the book. Yeah, it's different...but in a way that still keeps the spirit of the books. I haven't seen the last installment yet. Waiting to buy the DVD.
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I can't really think of any. I'm odd, though. If I read the book before watching the movie, I generally hate the movie. If I watch the movie first, I can still enjoy it after reading the book.
You know, I'm the same way. I guess thats also why books that have huge followings like Lord of the Rings, Enders Game or Harry Potter will never really be up to the level and expectations of true fans.
I've read Fight Club multiple times, and viewed the film several more times. I think the movie does it better than the novel. Even the author, Chuck Palahniuk, said that the movie, including the altered ending, was better than his novel.

Edit: making sentences make sense
I think that Hollywood is too married to the idea of a 1 1/2-2 hour film to do a lot of films justice. Movies like Titanic and Pearl Harbor proved that audiences will sit longer for a good film. Studios should use that knowledge. Imagine what they could have done with LOTR or Harry Potter if they had added an hour to each installment?
My first pick doesn't really count since they were developed concurrently, but I'd say 2001: A Space Odyssey was much better as a film. Hands down, A Clockwork Orange works much better as a film, even with the controversy of the different endings. It's been a while since I've read and seen The Last of the Mohicans, but I recall the film being excellent, and especially the score.
Just saw 1408 on SyFy last week and saw one of the other endings (there are 4 total different endings according to wikipedia) that was not on my DVD.

Creepy movie. Can't say it's better than the book since I haven't read the book, but that's the way it is with most of what I watch.
I'll throw out a couple...

No Country for Old Men
The Ice Storm

Both of these I thought were good reads but the "extra" mood created by the director in each film made them more compelling for me.
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