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Mountain Sky Olde Windsor - For the Canadians

I came across this in a Penticton health food shop and all I can say is what a nice soap. The lather dries out a bit quicker than the tallow soaps I have been using lately (Stirling and Tabac), but it makes your skin feel great and it is very slick while it is moist. I also quite like the scent, though it doesn't linger at all after you have washed it off. You can find the ingredient list here:


I don't know if it is the coconut oil or the Shea butter that makes it so nice on the skin, but something sure does. Definitely a step up from any other vegetarian soap I have used to date and a bargain at $4-$5 a bar. Not quite as nice as the Stirling soaps, but if you want a veg soap this beats the Rocky Mountain soap for me at least.
Interesting soap, never heard of canola oil in a soap. The scent looks like something I would enjoy. Glad to see domestic manufactures of shaving soaps.
There's also Malaspina Soap Factory who makes shaving creams and soaps, based out of BC. I haven't personally used them but every review i've read has been positive. Once I whittle down my stockpile i'll give Malaspina a try.
The ingredients list of Malaspina soaps look promising:

"Made using tallow, lanolin, shea butter, cocoa butter, mango butter, coconut oil, castor oil, silk, goat milk, allantoin, aloe vera extract, and glycerin. "

They have a ton of fragrances, and offer menthol. Looks like I'm going to have place an order.
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