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morris & forndran / rooney

Have made up my mind that I must have one from Mr sabini himself whatever it takes. Iam on a quest.

Tall, medium or short; two band or three, all are great choices. I'd tell him to use the softest hair he can find and pack it as dense as he can.



System Generated
yes, that faux tortise is very stunning and classy.

here's one i had a while back, that has since moved on. it was purchased during my "moonjava phase"

24/50 2 band Fan. it was very nice, but my original M&F L7 still remains as my favorite and think it has the best knot of the ones i've had.



No tattoo mistakes!
Beautiful, but I was a child of the 60s, and I'm afraid I'd be risking a flashback if I have that kind of visual effect in hand while shaving. Could turn out to be dangerous.

yes, that faux tortise is very stunning and classy.

here's one i had a while back, that has since moved on. it was purchased during my "moonjava phase"

24/50 2 band Fan. it was very nice, but my original M&F L7 still remains as my favorite and think it has the best knot of the ones i've had.

How do scare him off chief? I've sent three emails over the course of four months & Iam in sales & someone contacting me to buy my product certainly does not scare me off. That statement you made makes me more sceptical. People don't get scared off unless they have something to hide! Most folks on this forum seem to have Mr sabini on God status. It's clear he makes a superior product but the way he conducts business that he does have something about his business that he doesn't want people to know or he's just crazy as hell.


No tattoo mistakes!
How do scare him off chief? I've sent three emails over the course of four months & Iam in sales & someone contacting me to buy my product certainly does not scare me off. That statement you made makes me more sceptical. People don't get scared off unless they have something to hide! Most folks on this forum seem to have Mr sabini on God status. It's clear he makes a superior product but the way he conducts business that he does have something about his business that he doesn't want people to know or he's just crazy as hell.

You mis-interpreted my post. My point wasn't about you. It was just that I think polite persistence is the best strategy with Lee. I've let both my imagination and my blood pressure get out of control a couple of times, but I didn't vent my exasperation in an email. If I had, I suspect I might not have ended up with my brushes. I don't mean that Lee would have stiffed me, but that he might simply have passed on responding.

You seem to get a little heated up over this. I'm not saying you're wrong or that it's not your right. But it might serve your objectives best to be mindful of it and take care to keep it in check. That's all. And I could be completely wrong. Lee might enjoy having frustrated customers vent spleen and rattle his chains. But I kinda doubt it.

I can say this with confidence. If you were wanting to buy a brush from me and let me know (or I somehow heard through the grapevine) that you didn't like the way I do business and thought I must either have something to hide or be crazy as hell, we probably wouldn't do any business for you to dislike.

Please trust that I'm trying to be helpful. Now I've said about all I can say. I've probably said too much.

[But I'll add this: no brush is worth aggravation. There are many brushes in the world. Lee's are nice, but they're not magic. Except, of course, my Pooney.]
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Well chief, he may not do business with me & that is his right but I have been in sales for going on 40 years & have owned my business since 1980. I find his way of doing business suspect & very odd. I stand by my remarks in my last post. I intended no offense toward you. Grayson
Well chief, he may not do business with me & that is his right but I have been in sales for going on 40 years & have owned my business since 1980. I find his way of doing business suspect & very odd. I stand by my remarks in my last post. I intended no offense toward you. Grayson


Your frustration is understandable and I had a similar experience with Lee, but just decided to buy his brushes off the BST where they show up with remarkable frequency. I too have spent decades in sales but part of that time was spent selling to businesses across Europe. One of the things one learns rapidly, even in a relatively homogeneous culture like Western Europe, is that business gets done in remarkably diverse ways even in publicly held companies. The diversity became more extreme as one begins to work with privately held companies in which an owner's personality is given free rein because of no BOD oversight.

There is nothing suspect about Lee's way of doing business. Everything he does can be understood as a function of his being an eccentric. That is it. If the simplest explanation suffices to explain something, there's no need to look further. It is, as you say, odd, but that's only when the reference point is the typical American businessman's belief in "growth" and "maximizing profit". These are not everywhere and for everyone the most important things about their work. I don't know why Lee does what he does in the way he does it, but I'm deeply thankful that he exists because his eccentricity lends additional splashes of color and variety to our world.

If Lee Sabini did not exist, we would have to invent him.

Still wish he'd answer my emails though.


No tattoo mistakes!

Your frustration is understandable and I had a similar experience with Lee, but just decided to buy his brushes off the BST where they show up with remarkable frequency. I too have spent decades in sales but part of that time was spent selling to businesses across Europe. One of the things one learns rapidly, even in a relatively homogeneous culture like Western Europe, is that business gets done in remarkably diverse ways even in publicly held companies. The diversity became more extreme as one begins to work with privately held companies in which an owner's personality is given free rein because of no BOD oversight.

There is nothing suspect about Lee's way of doing business. Everything he does can be understood as a function of his being an eccentric. That is it. If the simplest explanation suffices to explain something, there's no need to look further. It is, as you say, odd, but that's only when the reference point is the typical American businessman's belief in "growth" and "maximizing profit". These are not everywhere and for everyone the most important things about their work. I don't know why Lee does what he does in the way he does it, but I'm deeply thankful that he exists because his eccentricity lends additional splashes of color and variety to our world.

If Lee Sabini did not exist, we would have to invent him.

+ a very big number

Very well said. Most especially "If the simplest explanation suffices to explain something, there's no need to look further."
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