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More Shaves Per Blade.

...For me anyway. Firstly, I use Feathers, Polsilvers and Super Iridiums in my razors. I use one blade at a time and take it out of the razor after every shave. I have a small block of Padauk wood which has a magnet inside and that's where I keep the blade between shaves. No kids in the house so no accidents with curious fingers.
What I've started doing is using some of my "milder" razors (Ikon, Pils, Super Speeds etc) with the fresh blade. Then after a couple of shaves I use some of the more "aggressive" razors like the Old Style, New Improveds, Barbasols etc. As the shaves progress I use a more aggressive (for me) razor every time and I'm getting, on average, 6 to 8 shaves per blade.

This seems to work because I was getting maybe 4 shaves per blade beforehand. So I took an old blade and used it in my Barbasol which extended the life of the blade a few more days. You do need a bit of a collection of razors (which most of us seem to have) and I'd like to hear from anyone who tries this to see if it works for them as well.

Good excuse to use all of your razors!
Blades are so cheap that I don't need to squeeze extra shaves out of them, but this is good to know.
I would think you could do much the same sort of thing with an adjustable razor such as a Gillette Slim or Fatboy. Just increase the setting a click or two after each shave. While I haven't tried this as a technique to extend blade life, I have found that the razor does get more aggressive as the number get higher (which is, of course, what is supposed to happen).
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