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More Aggressive Adjustable Setting


three-tu-tu, three-tu-tu
After reading a recent post I tried a more aggressive setting with my adjustable for a couple of shaves. I went up two numbers on my Mergress.

The good news: more hair removed on the early passes. This made the ATG pass more enjoyable as there was virtually no hair left. No fourth pass clean up needed.

The bad news: razor burn - enough to make me reconsider.

Today I went back to my normal settings. I did have to do a fourth pass clean up on the chin, but the end result was the same and my face feels better. YMMV.
I did exactly that this week with my slim. Usually shave at 6, went to 9, got a lot of in the first pass, suffered a bit of irritation, returned to 6 and will probably stay there.
The best thing you can do when you dial up to more aggressive settings is to make sure you back way off on any pressure. Even then it'll probably take a few shaves to get use to that aggressive setting. Probably the best way to go up in settings is to do so one number at a time. Having to deal with irritation is no fun at all. :a38: :frown2: :a32:
Like the OP, I experimented with my Mergress and other adjustables. I had initially wanted to do the "set it and forget it" thing. After reading a thread (I do not recall which), I took my Mergress and did my first pass on 3-4 (WTG), second pass set on 2 (XTG) and my third and final pass set on 1 (ATG). Worked very, very well for me and I've stuck with it ever since.

I agree with Paul's advice to be very cognizant of backing off on the pressure while the razor is set more aggressively. Simply letting the weight of the razor and sharpness of the blade do the heavy lifting on those passes is key.

Good luck.
I'd say the bigger issue is making sure that you make your shaving angle even more shallow when the razor is opened up more.
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