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Moore's law for razor blades!!!

Given their recent trashing of their own disposables and the talk about tug and pull from a Mach 3, that they said for years was in our head, I predict after the Power Fusion runs out of juice(<see that pun!) the trend will go down. Just can't get another blade in there so the next commercial will probably go like this...

Tired of trying to fit a big battery power razor under your nose? Tired of razor burn from 5 blades? Tired of gooey gel stripes that leave your face slimey and clog your blades? Go back to smooth shaves* with the new smaller more efficient Sonar 3. It glides through tough facial hair with our newest ever thinner stealth coated slicker than snot blade ever.

*Disclaimer-Smooth shave is not gauranteed. All comarisons done with our last latest greatest razor that you idiots were stupid enough to fall for, um, we mean buy. While you think it would be cheaper to make a three bladed cartridge we are going to tell you its not because of the newest top secret propriety super stealth razor slickem we have to apply twenty times over to each blade by hand. Jeez just get off our back and buy the new razor already because you know its way better than the old one because we had a quarterback get up here and tell you he would never use anything else already!

Given their recent trashing of their own disposables and the talk about tug and pull from a Mach 3, that they said for years was in our head, I predict after the Power Fusion runs out of juice(<see that pun!) the trend will go down. Just can't get another blade in there so the next commercial will probably go like this...

Tired of trying to fit a big battery power razor under your nose? Tired of razor burn from 5 blades? Tired of gooey gel stripes that leave your face slimey and clog your blades? Go back to smooth shaves* with the new smaller more efficient Sonar 3. It glides through tough facial hair with our newest ever thinner stealth coated slicker than snot blade ever.

*Disclaimer-Smooth shave is not gauranteed. All comarisons done with our last latest greatest razor that you idiots were stupid enough to fall for, um, we mean buy. While you think it would be cheaper to make a three bladed cartridge we are going to tell you its not because of the newest top secret propriety super stealth razor slickem we have to apply twenty times over to each blade by hand. Jeez just get off our back and buy the new razor already because you know its way better than the old one because we had a quarterback get up here and tell you he would never use anything else already!


I tend to agree (like the disclaimer too, ha) on that being the likely next strategy from the big guys.
NEW! For the advanced shavers of 2129! Tired of replacing cartridges that just wear out after only a couple of shaves? Try our NEW Gillette Ninja! The unguarded, single blade is fully hollow ground and so fine you can only see the edge under 60x magnification! Mirror finished bevels make this the smoothest shave you will EVER get!

Disclaimer: Proper use of the Ninja requires some practice and the unguarded blade is easily damaged by impact or improper use of the Ninja Strop companion product.
I wouldn't be surprised if one day they come out with some product/pill/cream that will permanently stop facial hair growth.

A little off topic, but would you want to stop facial hair growth if you had the choice? Facial hair is one of the things that make men... men. Y'know?

Anyway, eventually, if you kept adding blades and blades and more blades, the cartridge would be longer than the handle. interesting ergonomic considerations for their engineers to figure out?
I hoping for laser razors (talk about razor burn!) Think of it, no blades, and any nicks or cuts are immediately cauterized.
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