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Moon Java "Chief" sibling brush


I feel like a real heel for raining on ChiefBroom's auction so I wanted to put out some info on my brush. I bought this directly from Lee last month and I paid full price for it. Lee indicated to me during our email volley that his supplier no longer produces this "Moon Java" material and after some difficulty was able to offer me this "Chief" style brush which he described as a prototype for the B&B group buy. I kind of feel like he was saving it for something special and didn't want to give it up, but I was pretty persistent. I guess I know now what that special thing was.


There are some differences between my brush and the one at auction. As you can see, mine is 26mm and labelled "1 Finest Badger" on the back. Mine appears to have a loft of 49 or 50mm, but I'm not sure of how to measure this accurately. Now as soon as I claim that these are the only two MJ Chief's in existence someone else will come forward with theirs, :tongue_sm. During my wait for this brush, and obsessively hunting for more information, I did find who the supplier was and that they indeed no longer offered this material. I can't find that information now but I will update this thread when I do.

While I suppose that it is possible that the supplier could put the material back into production, I do believe that MJ's are increasingly rare in any brush style and these are very hard to come by.


No tattoo mistakes!
Thanks for the post. I'd originally requested a Finest-labeled brush for the Sue Moore Fundraiser, but Lee also knew I wanted an up-sized knot. It appears he did the best he could for both of us.

FWIW, I assumed Lee would want to reserve the right to make and sell other Moonjava Chiefs, so I hadn't expected to get a one-of-a kind brush. But it seemed to turn out that way, at least for the present, when I picked mine up and Lee mentioned there were only two and that the other one was a 3-band. I asked him to review my draft of the auction listing, and he was fine with it.

I talked to Lee this morning my time, and he confirmed that he'd told me the other Moonjava Chief was a 3-band. In fact, it was still what he remembered, but his memory was obviously off in this case. I could almost see/hear him scratching his head. He was, however, confident in affirming that the brush he delivered to me has a larger knot than yours.

Lee hadn't previously told me about the present unavailability of the Moonjava material in our brushes. But he confirmed that as well when we talked this morning. My understanding is the material in our brushes is more translucent (such that you can see through a layer) than the what he currently has on hand to replace it.

Thanks again. You did me a huge favor, although when I first saw your PM at about 3:20 this morning, and then the photo of your 2-band Moonjava Chief, it put an end to any prospect of further sleep until I figured out what to do about it.

All's well that ends well.
They are both stunning brushes. And they're both unique since, although they're both 2-bands, one is a "Finest" and one is a "Blonde Badger."


System Generated
absolutely Beautiful brush.

I have always loved this material and Lee did an amazing job with both Moojava Chiefs. I have owned and sold 2 Moonjava's and regret selling both now, but my new Disco M&F (pics tonight) will hopefully be in my den for a long, long time. :001_smile

the colours just pop in these handles...hope you enjoy it. :wink2:
Can you take a picture of it from a little bit farther away? Sorry to be a pain in the butt. I would like to get a better look at it!
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No tattoo mistakes!
God, How I would LOVE one of those MoonJava Brushes, Is Anyone Selling them at this present time ?

My understanding is that there are only three in existence, Virgilio's Finest, Macbreezy's Blonde Badger, and one Lee made for me to give to my son (which I haven't got around to doing yet, by reason of his decision to grow a beard).
It is by far my favorite brush to look at. Sometimes I just stop by the den and take it out to hold and admire it. I feel VERY lucky and fortunate to have it.

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