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Month long soap (brush) journey - June '10



Well, my month of Arlington is now over. I thoroughly enjoyed it. The first few shaves weren't ideal, but as time went by they became more consistent. Is Arlington now my favorite soap of all time? No. However, it holds a special place in my heart. We've been through a lot together, and I feel like we know each other. Today I busted out the Mama Bear's rosemary mint. It's always been my favorite, and its standing as such was instantly re-asserted. I had the best shave I've had in a month! Still, though there are soaps I like better, I have a feeling that on those special days when I'm in the mood for something a bit more personal, I'll be reaching for the Arlington.
Ah! Using Monsavon this morning was like a revelation! :001_smile

Don't get me wrong: I love Cella. But after all these weeks it feels good to grab something else...
Well, I finished strong with the Provence Sante but will still be using it for another 20 days because I only brought it on my business trip.

I am not super impressed with it. I can get a decent shave and lather out of it but it does not compare to MWF or Irisch Moos.
Thanks for putting the journey together Josh.

It has been fun, and I still like CADE, but I think for the next month I will not use the same soap twice in a row. :tongue_sm
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