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Modern, High Quality TTO's?

I was just wondering what is available today in the way of new TTO razors, besides the cheap Asian and Russian stuff. TIA.
Don't discount less expensive TTOs. Some are not great, but I love my RazoRock TTO. The quality is good, and the value is excellent. It is a somewhat more agressive shave than a Superspeed, and heavier, witha longer handle. For well under $30.00, it is worth looking at.
Thanks, guys. Actually, I have the Vision on my wishlist and a birthday coming up, so here's hoping... Also, I have a Weishi 9306 (G, I think) that I use as my travel razor, since I'm not sure how durable it would prove to be under regular use. I will check out the RazoRocks, since I have never seen one in the flesh (metal?).
The RazoRock/ Cadet line of TTO's are very solid performers and can be had for cheap. If you can't find any under the RazoRock brand, try searching for Cadet. They one in the same. Also, another +1 for the Vision. One of my favorites and always gives consistent, great shaves.
It looks as if the RazoRock TTO is in stock at shavetools.com, so I placed an order. I'll wait to see if I get an OOS email from them...
Parker seems to have stepped up their game, quality-wise, and have a number of TTOs.

I really like the Parker TTO's. They have made significant steps in quality and workmanship over the past few years. I have their 99R in my rotation (when I get away from my Gillette Fat Handle Tech). Something worth noting, they are medium-to-moderate aggressive...not open comb aggressive but certainly more so than EJ/Muhle/Merkur solid bars razors
My new RazoRock TTO arrived yesterday from shavetools. Man, that thing is impressively built and packaged for a $20 razor! I am looking forward to taking it on its maiden voyage tomorrow with a Feather blade.
In fact the OP's original question has led me to ask, are there any all steel TTO razors out there?
I'm not aware of any, just 3-piece razors like Weber and Ikon. If there are any out there, I'd like to know, but I suspect that the 5 days of silence that followed your question may suggest that there just aren't any out there.
In fact the OP's original question has led me to ask, are there any all steel TTO razors out there?

I seem to remember Joe from Shave a Buck trying to get a stainless steel TTO off the ground some time last year. It was incredibly expensive, like out-of-control expensive.

I may be getting this wrong, but one of the advantages of machining stainless steel is that you can make relatively smaller quantities. But all the parts for a TTO would be too intricate to adequately machine repeatedly, so you would need casts made. However, casts would be so expensive that you would need massive quantities to recoup costs. Therefore its a catch-22.
As others have said, Parker seemed to take a big step up in the quality of their TTOs about 2 years ago. The 99R (or similar 3-piece 98R) is on my short-list, unless I pickup one of the Pearl/Cadet/Razorock TTOs for a little less. One great thing about Parker as well as Pear/Cadet/Razorock is the huge selection in handle styles.

I haven't had a TTO since selling my Super Adjustable 105 a couple of years back, which I still regret. One I can recommend you stay away from is The Shaving Factory TTO... it's so ridiculously mild that you will subconsciously add a lot of pressure to get an acceptable shave and, in the process, murder your face.
+1 for Parker TTO.

I purchased a 99R a few weeks back and it's quite impressive. The quality is nice, nice weight and the blade exposure is fine....

Good luck in your search!
I took my new RazoRock TTO on its maiden voyage today. I really like the feel, weight and construction of this razor and can't believe it only cost about $20. I used a Feather (yellow) blade, which was the first time I have tried one. It is probably not the ideal combination. While it gave me an extremely close shave very quickly (DFS after 1 pass, BBS after 2 with touch-up on neck), it was somewhat irritating, and I could not wait to get my Afta on my tender skin. After the Afta sank in, though, all was good.

I will experiment with different blades, but I think the RazoRock may replace my 1960 Fatboy as my primary shaving tool. Thanks, Michael (mpmartinez99) for suggesting it.
I considered this when I first got into DE shaving, but I eventually went with vintage TTO's and never bothered much with the modern stuff. The only modern one I have is a Shaving Factory TTO that my barber had bought and didn't like because he felt it was too aggressive, so he gave it to me. He said I could try it out and if I didn't like it I could throw it in the junk because he didn't want it. I haven't tried it, but I tried to sell it fairly cheap on the B/S/T and no one was interested.

Maybe some of the modern ones are okay, I don't know..... but with the quality, availabilty and price of the vintage Gillettes I have no urge to try the modern TTO's.

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