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mixing shave creams

As I stood at the sink this morning preparing to shave, a flash of genius hit me like a Mack Truck. I was thumbing through my collection of creams, trying to decide on the SOTD and found myself holding Taylor's Lavender in one hand and Tom's of Maine Refreshing Mint in the other. Of course, I had to mix them, and I was overwhelmed at how masterfully these two complimented one another. Great smell, great tingle, great lubrication, and GREAT SHAVE! I highly recommend this concoction.
Oh,no! The number of shave permutations just increased even further! I agree mixing is fun. Joel once suggested 1805 + almond, and I would agree that is a wonderful concoction.
Scotto said:
Oh,no! The number of shave permutations just increased even further! I agree mixing is fun. Joel once suggested 1805 + almond, and I would agree that is a wonderful concoction.
Was that before or after he forswore cologne scented creams?
How about mixing soaps with creams? I sometimes mix KMF Olive Oil soap bar with The Body Shop shave cream and the results are great. The KMF bar provides great lubricity.


Stjynnkii membörd dummpsjterd
Austin said:
How about adding aftershave to the mix. You could essentially have an all in one shave experience. :biggrin:

Why not mix in a carton of blades? This way, you can shave while applying lather!
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