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What's been your most embarassing slip of the hand whilst shaving? Gave myself a nice inch and a half cut across the cheek this morning with a Future and Astra premium. Anyone want to post a pic?


I don't have a pic, but while head shaving I once took a little chunk out of my scalp because the stupid silo doors weren't tightened down.
I never actually cut myself using a DE "while shaving", but as I was lowering the razor to my face one day it slipped and hit into my skin. :eek:
It dug right in to the mustache area, and took out a nice divot. It looked like someone hit a 9 Iron off my face.

Hurt like a MF'er and bled like you couldn't believe. :ohmy:

Styptic pencil did nothing to stem the flow, just served to aggravate the area and make it sting.

I wont do THAT again:em19:
I don't have a pic, but while head shaving I once took a little chunk out of my scalp because the stupid silo doors weren't tightened down.

I've done that before, but on my neck. I really felt stupid. I was using my favorite SuperSpeed, which just doesn't cut me, and was so surprised I couldn't believe it, so I tried it again and did the same thing. Definition of stupid.
Honestly, my worst cut was a long time ago and was done by an electric razor. The razor had been dropped and it damaged the screen and broke a few of the blades. Thinking it would do no more that pull hairs, I shaved with it. It left a cut down my cheek you could see for months. i thought it was scarred, but went away finally.
Unfortunately, mine involved the family jewels and an electric :out: :a48: That's about all I care to say about it :nonod: As one of the previous posters said...won't make that mistake again
My first and only bad shave with a DE was about 2 weeks ago when I tried shaving with Kiss My Face lavender cream. The cream tingled as I applied it, and my face and neck were completely red by the end of the shave.

The lather made my face slick and thus I found it hard to use the razor or to find an appropriate cutting angle - I cut my face 5 or 6 times. I usually finish a shave without nicks or irritation, but this was the shave from hell. It almost made me abandon DE shaving :eek:
My worst mistake in my one month DE career was this morning. I put in a new Lord blade yesterday (my first time with this blade, damned glue spots!), and gave myself a little nick on my lower lip ("soul patch" area). No big deal, I chalked that up to being a little careless.

This morning, though, I did something stupid. After my shave (nice and close!), I opened the Merkur 38C a bit to blow out excess water, and I felt my upper lip just slightly bump into the razor. I look in the mirror, and it looks like I got punched in the mouth. Oops. A thin, horizontal cut around 2mm long. Don't want to use alum there, so I put a red towel to it, and let it close up.

I think I'll stop blowing on the blade to dry it from now on...
I had my SS in the sink while I was rinsing some lather off my face from my first pass. It had slipped in from the side of the sink, and I didn't notice it. I brought my hands under the tap, and I managed to slice off a chunk of flesh from the ring finger on my left hand, right at the second knuckle. Literally, a chunk. It bled like crazy. When I finally got the bleeding to stop, I had a 1/4 of a inch by 1/8 of an inch gash in my finger, and it left a nice little crater. Well, it's all healed now, and I got a decent scar out of it. When you look at it with the other scars on my hand, it forms an almost perfect triangle!
Unfortunately, mine involved the family jewels and an electric :out: :a48: That's about all I care to say about it :nonod: As one of the previous posters said...won't make that mistake again

I had a vasectomy earlier this year and I had to shave myself for the procedure. Trimming up w/ the electric was the worst part as there was a lot of tugging a grabbing of hair...OUCH!!! After the second time I put it away and just used a razor.
What's been your most embarassing slip of the hand whilst shaving? Gave myself a nice inch and a half cut across the cheek this morning with a Future and Astra premium. Anyone want to post a pic?



What was that? You have to speak into my left side. The right ear was cut off in a razor related incident.
I once did a spaz out and managed to slice one of my ear lobes (with a safety razor, not a straight). You'd be amazed at how much blood comes out of an ear lobe...
Unfortunately, mine involved the family jewels and an electric :out: :a48: That's about all I care to say about it :nonod: As one of the previous posters said...won't make that mistake again

I don't want to think about it but whats been read cannot be unread :lol:
Probably the worst thing I've done since I started wet shaving was when I first started. A couple of times I've managed to cut the tragus of my ear with the corner of the blade. I've learned since, and that hasn't happened again. So far anyway. :eek: :001_rolle
My upper lip. Funny thing was I think it was bad Karma. I was just thinking "I really havent cut myself in a while," and then wham, blade bit into me right above my upper lip.

Worst part about it - ppl kept telling me it looked like herpes at it healed!
Unfortunately, mine involved the family jewels and an electric :out: :a48: That's about all I care to say about it :nonod: As one of the previous posters said...won't make that mistake again

Wow I never would of thought of an accident like that I am in pain just hearing about that. I am glad you spared us the gory details cause our imaginations are more than enough.:eek2::eek:
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