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mint brit shave sold for 340$ wow

Nice brit razor just ended, wish i had the coins for it.

http://www.ebay.ca/itm/190680527690?ssPageName=STRK:MEWAX:IT&_trksid=p3984.m1423.l2649 $$(KGrHqJ,!qIE-0pIVrOFBPtTPp(1yw~~60_12.jpg


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#21, right? Rare in that condition. I'd like to pick up a minty #21 (don't care so much about a case), and might have been tempted but somehow missed noticing this one. Who knows how high the winning bidder might have gone, though?
How do you know what # this is ? is it stamped on the handle? I bet the max bid was set to 400


No tattoo mistakes!
How do you know what # this is ? is it stamped on the handle? I bet the max bid was set to 400

I don't for sure. It just looks like one to me. I don't know of another British Aristocrat combining a solid guard head with that handle (two smooth bands like a #15). And the case fits with a #21. It's my favorite solid guard razor.

See, e.g., here.

And I'd guess you're about right regarding the bid.
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Funny I just picked up a #21 two weeks ago for 70 bucks NO Case or Instructions, but still $70.00 was a great deal.. Also i didn't Look so good in the Pictures but That bad boy cleaned up like new :eek:)
I don't for sure. It just looks like one to me. I don't know of another British Aristocrat combining a solid guard head with that handle (two smooth bands like a #15). And the case fits with a #21. It's my favorite solid guard razor.

See, e.g., here.

And I'd guess you're about right regarding the bid.

Smooth Bands seem like the Give away. and No End Caps but Riveted


No tattoo mistakes!
I think it went high, but over the short time I've been paying close attention (about 6 months) I've seen more minty '49/'50 Executives offered for sale than truly minty #21s. So it comes down to how badly someone with money to spend wants one. It only takes two highly motivated, prospective buyers with ample wherewithal to jack the price up into the stratosphere in a spot transaction. That doesn't necessarily establish or predict market value. It's interesting that this Buyer appears only to have been an eBay member (at least with this account) since late March, and this was his first eBay purchase.
I think it went high, but over the short time I've been paying close attention (about 6 months) I've seen more minty '49/'50 Executives offered for sale than truly minty #21s. So it comes down to how badly someone with money to spend wants one. It only takes two highly motivated, prospective buyers with ample wherewithal to jack the price up into the stratosphere in a spot transaction. That doesn't necessarily establish or predict market value. It's interesting that this Buyer appears only to have been an eBay member (at least with this account) since late March, and this was his first eBay purchase.
Most likely a.collector that got a new account, for privacy reasons, especially if other memebers know his Ebay Name, There is no way a New Ebay Member would make that his first razor purchase, What are the odds of that?

Anyways one in that condition is a decent price, not bad and not so good, hope it get a good home :eek:)


No tattoo mistakes!
Most likely a.collector that got a new account, for privacy reasons, especially if other memebers know his Ebay Name, There is no way a New Ebay Member would make that his first razor purchase, What are the odds of that?

Anyways one in that condition is a decent price, not bad and not so good, hope it get a good home :eek:)

I agree. A couple of months ago, I thought I could not be happy and that life would not be complete without a '49 Executive. Then something happened -- a couple of things actually -- and I no longer even care to try let alone own one. (BTW, this is NOT a knock on '49 Executives.) Before that I'd missed a couple and was about to the point of entering a ridiculously high bid for the next one that came up just to scratch the itch and spare the waste of further time looking for and stalking them. Overpaying by $200 or more can make twisted sense when the expenditure will be offset by countless hours of saved time. And I wasn't in it for the thrill of the hunt; I just wanted to bag one. It can get very silly when 2 or 3 seekers with that disposition in common light upon the same eBay listing.
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Most likely a.collector that got a new account, for privacy reasons, especially if other memebers know his Ebay Name, There is no way a New Ebay Member would make that his first razor purchase, What are the odds of that?

Anyways one in that condition is a decent price, not bad and not so good, hope it get a good home :eek:)

Obviously someone who knew what he was bidding on and maybe has not had to use ebay before. 21's are not that common especially in that condition.
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