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Mind if I vent for a sec?

I am surprised no one has yet commented on this little gem:

Believe it or not her mom has told me she would rather see her with a lawyer that beat her half to death then with some one like me that would take care of her for as long as he lived .

It is a wonder child services haven't taken away your wife-to-be from these "wonderful parents" in her younger days. Clearly this shows they dearly value prestige ("well, MY daughter married a XXXXX... he makes $XXX,000 a year, and drives a <what-a-waste-of-money car>") over their daughter's happiness. Reasoning with such people is a futile exercise. And to echo what others said, it is often suggested that it is the responsibility of each spouse to handle issues with their own parents... I heard this in a pre-marriage class (ugh, was a "requirement", at least in my neck of the woods), and it has some ring of reason: it is very rare for any good to come from the confrontation of spouse and parents-in-law, since they are likely to "filter" your arguments and to place them in the worst possible light, unlike those of their own flesh and blood.

Anyhow, on a more pro-active shorter-term tangent, think of it this way, if nothing else: you won, they lost. You married and are happy with your wife, they've "lost" a daughter, and imagine the wincing look of pain on their face whenever they are asked what their son-in-law does for a living by their socialite acquaintances. :biggrin:

Oh, and +1000 on Moses' suggestion of exercise... does wonders to calm nerves, alleviate stress and depression, and can't beat the physical exhaustion shutting your body down for sleep. Also, I think it is general advice that if you can't fall asleep after more than 15-20 minutes, get up, do something with your hands or mechanical (i.e., don't stimulate the brain out of any slumber that might be lingering); otherwise you run the risk of associating your bed/bedroom with a stressful atmosphere, which by itself can keep you awake on subsequent nights. I mention this becasue you stated that you lay awake in bed until 5am... you're probably talking figuratively, but if not, consider this advice.

Best of luck, and don't let their petty selfish behaviour even register in your mind (I know, easier said than done; but something to always aim for).
Just my opinion-

If you respect your daughter and really want the best for her- they should let her be happy- IF she has made a mistake- do not berate her but rather take her in and give her a shoulder to cry on- It seems that your in laws are very similar to my ex-in laws- status and appearance means everything to them- if the words are true that they would rather have her married to an attorney that beat her - then they should never be allowed around you, your wife, and any children that you may have- their priorities are @*#&ed-up.

This is very difficult to answer without all the information- but if you and your wife love each other- there interaction would be nice if it was positive- but unnecessary if it is only negative. Life is too full of negatives to allow more into your home and marriage.

Nothing is wrong with working with your hands- what is wrong is not caring for the one you love- money makes things comfortable, but love makes things warm and fuzzy (and not in that moldy kind of way):biggrin:
My wife has tried her best to "straighten them out"
with no result it just seems they are set on breaking us up and nothing will stop them .

I do understand that my decision was harsh but I feel I am not left with any other option . I can not have people disrespecting me in my own home . I am sure many of you feel the same way about not allowing people to disrespect you in your home.

So you and your wife have tried reasonable methods but they are still intent on breaking you up? At some point, you must draw a line in the sand, ie, your home and your health. Whoever disrespects me in my home, does not respect me and is no longer welcome if they continue in that fashion.

I hope you are not losing sleep over this decision-it's excatly what I would have done.

First off I would like to thank all of you that have taken the time to read my original long post . I truly am glad to have found you guys here that are giving me a place to vent out my frustrations .
I will start out with the sleeping issue not being tiered is not the reason I can not sleep I can be wiped out and still not get there due to thinking about all the stuff they are doing to me and saying around to people .I do exercise every day I walk my dogs for an hour every night and then i go for a bike ride for at least an hour after that so i do not think that to be the issue .

I have been on the other side of this debate. My daughter is married to a high school drop-out. My daughter is gifted and has a high IQ. In high school she started dating her future husband. He came from a broken family with no adult supervision. I thought he was a thug. He had been in trouble with the law and seemed out of control. I told my daughter that he was a loser and would never amount to anything.

I too am from a broken family and so is my wife I believe there biggest reason for trying to get us apart is that her dad was sort of like me only that his wife (my mother in law) drove him away to another woman (or so I am told) her father is the only one that has never said any thing negative about our relationship but it is her mother brother and the rest of the family that has .

Well, I have no idea why you were hoping for my answer; there are a lot of older and wiser folks here. But I take it as a compliment, so thanks.

To be honest Mo I am not sure either I think it just has to do with other posts of yours that i have read that I find you to be a big voice of reason .You should definitely take it as a compliment .

I hope you are not losing sleep over this decision-it's excatly what I would have done.

I am not losing sleep over my decision just over the fact that her brother had the balls to take a simple comment as I saw your brother in law walking dogs with some girl to telling my wife I am cheating on her that is why i lost sleep . If he can make such an accusation whats next ??

I too am from a broken family and so is my wife I believe there biggest reason for trying to get us apart is that her dad was sort of like me only that his wife (my mother in law) drove him away to another woman (or so I am told) her father is the only one that has never said any thing negative about our relationship but it is her mother brother and the rest of the family that has .


Sounds like the family got "burned" once, and is keen on not repeating it, to the point of losing all reason. Also perhaps your mother-in-law is trying to "prove" to herself that the reason HER husband left her was because of his "low" class and unworthiness, rather than address the issue that he might have done so because she might be a b!tch, pardon my French.

I am not losing sleep over my decision just over the fact that her brother had the balls to take a simple comment as I saw your brother in law walking dogs with some girl to telling my wife I am cheating on her that is why i lost sleep . If he can make such an accusation whats next ??

Sounds like you're losing sleep more over the fact of what they COULD do, rather than what they did. I think that banning them from your house is more than justified... I don't think them not respecting you is the issue, as that is easily corrected by growing thicker skin; the big problem is their (attempted) poisonous influence on your spouse, which is a much more serious problem. IANAMC (I am not a marriage counselor), but it sure sounds like your wife has to lay down the law. I would agree with others that it must be she who places the ban, and if they do not cease with such poisonous and ridiculous behaviour, she should sever contact with them for some duration (i.e., needs to show she's serious). Of course this depends on what the power equation is between your wife and her mother... are they equals? or is the mother domineering and your wife feels unable to challenge her?

Also, does your wife know about your sleeplessness and its cause? What does she think of this? Is she planning to do something about it? I'm sorry to seem to shove the burden of this on your wife, but I really think there is little you can do about the situation (other than the ban)...

Sounds like the family got "burned" once, and is keen on not repeating it, to the point of losing all reason. Also perhaps your mother-in-law is trying to "prove" to herself that the reason HER husband left her was because of his "low" class and unworthiness, rather than address the issue that he might have done so because she might be a b!tch, pardon my French.

Yes the family got burned once but you can not hold what one person does over some one else's head .

Some thing I have not mentioned but I always found funny my Brother in law has gone to college and does the exact same work I do and makes less then I do but yet I do not have a good job and he does LOL .

Sounds like you're losing sleep more over the fact of what they COULD do, rather than what they did.

Exactly . every day I wonder what am I to hear next .

One of the funniest things was I once went to my insurance agent with my wife before we got married and the guy knew my wife and once I walked he started saying "Oh my god your the crack head that they are talking about "

I was in shock as my insurance agent has bin taking care of my family for years I was wondering what he was talking about turns he asked my mother in law how my wife was doing and she replied she is ok almost done with school but is going out with a junkie and doesnt want to let him go .

Of course I questioned my mother in law about the event and as she says it never happened. he must have been mistaken but after a while of not telling any one about this I find my boss was told the same thing about me from her .

Hey Nick, you certainly have faced and overcome a number of challenges. You have my respect and admiration. Not everyone has the tenacity and patience it takes to get through what you have.

As for your specific sleeping issue, I went through almost the same thing about 2 years ago. There wasn't a drug around that worked. Due to an unfortunate car accident when I was 14, I have a very high tolerance to sedatives. 4 visits to a hypnotist and I can now put myself to sleep in about 5 minutes. Might be worth looking into, but not everyone is willing to give it a try due to the incredible amount of misinformation and bad press hypnosis gets.
Exactly . every day I wonder what am I to hear next .

One of the funniest things was I once went to my insurance agent with my wife before we got married and the guy knew my wife and once I walked he started saying "Oh my god your the crack head that they are talking about "

I was in shock as my insurance agent has bin taking care of my family for years I was wondering what he was talking about turns he asked my mother in law how my wife was doing and she replied she is ok almost done with school but is going out with a junkie and doesnt want to let him go .

Of course I questioned my mother in law about the event and as she says it never happened. he must have been mistaken but after a while of not telling any one about this I find my boss was told the same thing about me from her .


IANAL, but isn't she very close to crossing the line in terms of slander? I mean, if it wasn't for the fact that your boss and your insurance agent know you (presumably well), her criticism could have serious repercussions on your financial situation! <paranoid>Perhaps that is the plan, to cause you ruin or at least serious loss financially, so that this can then be held up as an example to the daughter (i.e., "see, he can't even provide for you; I TOLD you he was no good for you").</paranoid>

Anyhow, I really feel for you Nick, that sounds like a really tough situation.
It really is a tough situation . One that I really see no end of unless I was to leave my wife that would never happen . That I would not due . We have been through to much for that in the past seven years . I love her with all my heart and would rather die then to see her in any kind of pain .

I really want to thank all the members here once more for there thoughts on this issue . You guys as always rose to the occasion .

Thank you

Nick, as a father of two daughters I can see both sides.
However, I like to think I'm a fair man (some may disagree).
While I would not have jumped up and down with joy had one of my daughters chosen a high school drop out, after seven years of happy marriage, grandchildren, providing and nurturing for them and having a trade, my heart (I really think) would have turned in your direction.
It takes a big person to admit they were wrong in something like this. (I went through this process with a brother-in-law)
Your in-laws do not seem up to this and therefore are not worthy of your consideration.
You have no obligation to associate with people that will not respect you after you have proven yourself.
Your wife has parents and siblings she cares about. She needs to associate with them, but not at your expense.
By the way, your Mother in Law sound like a true psycho. She would rather her daughter marry a lawyer that beat her than a tradesman that loves her? What an idiot. Does "If Were a Carpenter and you were a Lady" come to mind?
Frankly, I think you have chosen wisely.
By the way, your Mother in Law sound like a true psycho. She would rather her daughter marry a lawyer that beat her than a tradesman that loves her? What an idiot.

To say the least. Look, I am a lawyer, and have a few dear friends who are as well, but the profession does atract some people....

A very very close friend who is also a young lawyer worked for a while at a firm situation that involved working for very abusive people. Not physically, of couse, it being professional. Although one did hit a secretary with a phone. But verbally. The kind that you could easily imagine beating their wife. And let me tell you. Just the verbal abuse at work turned a happy, kind person into a miserable, sad, bitter, broken one in a matter of months, before they got out. Just imagining anyone being married to someone like that makes me shudder.

Sorry to hear all of this Nick.. I missed the initial post..
I think I understand your troubles, It seems to stem from the fact that you live in very close community with the inlaws.. I mean if they're able to disparidge your good name to your insurance agent and to your boss tells me they're In everyones business...
Don't let them win, they just seem to hate people that are happy...
After meeting your wife for the few minutes we shared I can tell she loves you just as much as you love her; And man thats the feeling people go their whole lives without experiencing.. Don't give up she's worth this and much more; fight for whats yours!!
And just in case, If you need me, I'll help you barricade your door to them,, remember I've worked greek houses before too....:wink:
Oh, hey, you're in Astoria! I did not notice that. We are practically neighbors. Well, except for the East river, but still.

In my opinion, your in-laws' problems with you are their problems, not yours. You can't change other people, you can only change how you react to them. If they have been trying for this long to turn your wife against you and haven't succeeded, it sounds like she sees through them. Perhaps you should trust her more. I would be courteous to them when they come over, but not pay a damn bit of attention to their negativety. Laugh at them, and sleep soundly. That would probably drive them nuts...
I have been on the other side of this debate. My daughter is married to a high school drop-out. My daughter is gifted and has a high IQ. In high school she started dating her future husband. He came from a broken family with no adult supervision. I thought he was a thug. He had been in trouble with the law and seemed out of control. I told my daughter that he was a loser and would never amount to anything.

Andrew, do we know each other personally?!:scared:

Nick if you have always been respectful toward them and have tried to get along, then I would not lose any sleep (sorry, no pun intended. Really!) over banning them from your home if they can not respect you as a person let alone as their son-in-law. I was a barely highschool grad, one college semster flunkie and when I was courting my wife several years ago, I thought her family would not accept me for two reasons: 1) I am not formally educated and 2) I am of Hispanic descent (in laws are white). I overcame all that once they got to know me. My wife is a year away from having her Phd and I still wonder what she saw in me.:eek: It's funny when we fill out credit apps and I list my education level and my wife lists hers.:rolleyes: She's very smart but lacks in the street part of it. I've got her covered there. I love my in-laws and call them mom and dad. I'm especially close to my father in law since my dad died when I was 15. Anyway, as long as you and your wife are secure in yourselves and your relationship then that's all you need. Good luck buddy...:smile:
I think I understand your troubles, It seems to stem from the fact that you live in very close community with the inlaws..

To be honest Elo they they live in Whitestone not Astoria The only reason my mother in law knows my agent she had the same one as for knowing my boss....
She knows just about every Greek in New York since she works for the Greek Council And has worked on almost every ones papers for 20 years .

Nick if you have always been respectful toward them and have tried to get along

From day 1 I was respectful . About a month after I start dating my wife I made sure to go to the house so her mom knew who she was with and not have to worry .
I have never given them a reason to dislike me nor do i care that they do ....The only thing that gets to me is that they are trying to poison my marriage with lies .

Oh, hey, you're in Astoria! I did not notice that. We are practically neighbors. Well, except for the East river, but still.


Yeah Mo I am in your neck of the woods almost every day most of my accounts are in the city .
Believe it or not her mom has told me she would rather see her with a lawyer that beat her half to death then with some one like me that would take care of her for as long as he lived.

What a truly vile thing to say to someone. Evidently, they don't even respect their own daughter, let alone you...

You can't give any slack to someone who says things like that. Sad situation I know, but you just can't. They're saying that you're lower than a wife-beater?? It's an utterly shameful and despicable thing to say about their own daughter as well. If they're not willing to retract their shameful comments in some way, shape or form, then it's unforgiveable. There's no other answer I can give. Of course you've done the right thing in banning them from your house. How on Earth can you expect to invite people like that round for Sunday lunch???

Until they're ever prepared to at least meet you halfway, then you have to just cut them off. That kind of behaviour is completely unacceptable.

Naturally, you have your wife's interests at heart, which is most admirable, but I think you should at least think more about yourself as well, and your own personal dignity in this whole situation.
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