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Mike's Natural vs. Mystic Water

Seems like a natural comparison, since they are both artisan makers. Anyone have experience with both and would like to chime in?
I have much more experience with Mike's Natural, having only used some samples of Mystic Waters soap.

My opinion is that Mike's certainly wins on price and shipping, A very slight edge on scent to Mystic Waters. Some folks have had some issues dialing in the water/soap ratio with Mystic Waters, although that hasn't been my experience. (I use Mantic's technique for MWF - slowly adding water to a well-loaded brush)

They are both fantastic soaps.
I've tried them both, and I prefer Mystic Waters by quite a margin. To be fair to Mike's, though, the sample I bought was a scent I don't really enjoy. But I still think MW soaps make a more protective lather than Mike's. With Mike's I get a beautiful lather, but the shave usually seems a bit rougher than when I use Mystic Waters.

YMMV, and they're both outstanding artisan soaps. You should probably order samples from both vendors and see which one works best for you.
I have tried both, but only recently got samples of Mike's soaps. I have only got to use his soaps twice so far, so I can't really make a fair comparison yet, but I can say my feelings about both makers are extremely positive.

So far with Mike's the two shaves I have had were great. I tried the Mint/Rosemary and the Lavender/Eucalyptus ones so far. Both scents are great, easy to lather and provided good protection.

Mystic Water lavender is currently my favorite soap. It is my favorite scent of any of my shaving products and performance is just as good as MdC, MWF, Tabac, etc. It is that good!

Try both. Both Mike and Michelle are excellent to work with. Willing to help out if you have questions and great communication. It would be hard to put one in front of the other because they are both top notch.
Thanks for the responses, please keep them coming!!
Also - (thank you in advance Cochese2323) how do they compare to the commercial stuff?
Thanks for the responses, please keep them coming!!
Also - (thank you in advance Cochese2323) how do they compare to the commercial stuff?

I can only speak for Mike's. I've been using his soap for about a week now and I would put his soap up against any commercially made soap that I've tried. The only soap in my den that I would rate as being slightly better than Mike's is RazoRock XXX; I just find this one to provide a little better glide.
Thanks for the responses, please keep them coming!!
Also - (thank you in advance Cochese2323) how do they compare to the commercial stuff?

In my opinion they are both every bit as good as any commercial soap I have tried (Mama Bear, DR Harris, RazoRock artisan and La Famigilia, etc.).
Thanks for the responses, please keep them coming!!
Also - (thank you in advance Cochese2323) how do they compare to the commercial stuff?

I think performance wise, they are just as good. Not better than, but also definitely not inferior. It would be hard to put them above legendary stuff like MWF or Tabac for performance.

Now as far as scent goes, they are far superior and it is what really makes them shine. Both offer a huge variety of scents. Both offer samples at a very reasonable cost so you don't have to buy a whole puck just to figure out you don't like it. The forum also had a thread come up about a month ago asking artisans to make a new lemon/rose scent and viola, one month later 3 different makers are on top of it. That is something you would never see from commercial stuff.

That type of service and quality is what will make me a repeat customer to our artisans. I would much rather spend my hard earned money on a product that I know another individual who worked just as hard to make it.
So far I have the following Mystic's:
Adirondack jack
Bay rum
coconut lime verbena
Lavender lime
Lily of the valley
They all smell great-Lily of the valley is just a little too floral (duh) for me
haven't shaved with the Adirondack jack yet so I can't say too much about the scent, I'll be trying it soon,- the preliminary thoughts are spicy, and pipe tobacco?
I have both soaps and I do favor one over the other. What it comes down to for me is skin care. The "one" I prefer simply has the best skin care for a soap that I've experienced (IMO). Realizing this is a YMMV thing, try them both and pick your winner. I'll add, lathering these soaps is not an issue for me, big lather with both.
I decided to try Mike's for my first artisan soap. I ended up purchasing 6 samples from Mike's because I had no idea what soaps I would prefer.

I'm expecting a sample of the new lemon rose soap from Mystic Water though and depending on how I like that, I may try others from Mystic Water.
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I have both soaps and I do favor one over the other. What it comes down to for me is skin care. The "one" I prefer simply has the best skin care for a soap that I've experienced (IMO). Realizing this is a YMMV thing, try them both and pick your winner. I'll add, lathering these soaps is not an issue for me, big lather with both.

Come on, give us a hint :wink2:

I'm willing to bet the name of the soap maker starts with an "M"....

Am I right?? Am I right?? Am I right??
I have MNS (Peppermint/Rosemary; Barbershop; Lemongrass/Eucaliptus and a sample of Pine/Cedarwood)
MW (Coconut, Lily of the Valley, samples of Bay Ram and Marrakesh)

Both make are one of the best soaps out there, both are very nice to deal with. Picking a favorite is like choosing a favorite child it cannot be done. My suggestion is just get the scents you like from both of them and enjoy them.
Have yet to try mystic water (though i have a sample ill dig into eventually) but Mikes is probably the best soap i have in my rotation aside from musgo. My face is in heaven for the next 36+ hours after a mikes shave, great lather, great protection, and the only word that comes to mind is amazing!
I've tried samples of both and find the performance to be very close. I ended up buying 4 full size pucks from MW because of the variety in scents (Irish Traveler, Orange Vanilla, Lavender Lime, & Adirondack Jack). In regards to the pricing and shipping, at four pucks the total price difference is minimal.
...Picking a favorite is like choosing a favorite child it cannot be done. My suggestion is just get the scents you like from both of them and enjoy them.

Perfectly sums up the situation. I wake up every morning, amazed that I have so many good lathering choices. I've honestly wondered about shaving twice a day just for the lather.
I now have Mystic Water (Adirondak Jack, Cedar & Sage, Lavender Lime), Mike's (Peppermint & Rosemary, Pine & Cedarwood, Orange/Cedarwood/Black Pepper), Queen Charlotte Cream (Rose Otto, Vostok), Tabac, and Mitchell's Wool Fat. I am spoiled for good choices.
I am in the delightful situation of knowing that no matter what decisions I'm going to screw up today, I won't be doing it when I choose my shaving soap.:thumbup:
Mystic has a more refined nose and that experience comes through. Coconut comes to mind.

Mike's shaves with more protection from the blade ie tabac like cushion. I simply finish every time without any irritation. I can't say the same about Mystic.
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