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Method shaving and slants

I've tried it, but a while ago when I wasn't as good at method shaving. I don't think it's a good idea because the point of method shaving is being able to blade over your face as much as possible. A slant is trying to be efficient; it's trying to reduce the number of passes by being more aggressive. So, I think the standard head of the Merkur is better suited. For what it's worth, once I tried the 38C, I couldn't go back to the 34C.
I'm actually on board with those saying it's not an ideal match. I ended up selling my 37C, I found my Feather all-stainless and Muehle R106 perfectly suited to Method.
I'm actually on board with those saying it's not an ideal match. I ended up selling my 37C, I found my Feather all-stainless and Muehle R106 perfectly suited to Method.

This saddens me...:em18: i'll try it then tell you. I hoped it would be quite good!
Loaded up the Slant with feathers, did a WTG, XTG & ATG. There felt to be a very slight drag but nothing to worry about. I got 1 knick and a couple of weepers and a very smooth face. All in all a good shave.
Loaded up the Slant with feathers, did a WTG, XTG & ATG. There felt to be a very slight drag but nothing to worry about. I got 1 knick and a couple of weepers and a very smooth face. All in all a good shave.


Glad to see you got good results! And safe ones, more importantly. I definitely felt that the Slant got the job done, just not as well as a standard comb. For me I never really got the full blade on the face, whereas that's obviously not an issue with a Muehle or what have you.
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