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Merry Christmas to all my fellow Straight Shavers!


B&B's Dr. Doolittle.
Staff member
Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays!

May all your stockings be filled with Koma Nagura and your tree surrounded with family, friends, and Tony Miller strops!


I got moves like Jagger
Merry Christmas!!!! ......(and thanks for Kamisori Korner!)

Methinks my stocking isn't big enough for Nagura


I’m stumped
my Tomo Nagura and TM came a few weeks too early for Christmas but when ever you get that sort of stuff in the post it's like Christmas.:biggrin1:
Merry Christmas
Merry Christmas everyone stay safe and enjoy the time with your family...now I'm off to the airport to pick up my mother in law:huh:
Merry Christmas to one and all.

I had a few friends join me for my Christmas morning shave earlier. There was Tim Zowada, Rudy Vey, Cyril R Slater, Tony Miller and some wonderful memories of Sue Moore.
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