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๐ŸŽŠ ๐ŸŽ† ๐Ÿ ๐ŸŽ„๐Ÿฅ‚ โ€œSOTD - Christmas/Holidays Theme Weekโ€ DECEMBER 23rd - DECEMBER 29th, 2024 โœ๏ธ ๐Ÿ•Ž ๐ŸŽ… ๐ŸŽ‡ ๐ŸŽ‰

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It is time again for another SOTD Theme Week! This week is special as we get to celebrate Christmas AND Holidays!!!

Letโ€™s see letโ€™s see those Christmas Trees, Hanukkah Menoras, Kwanzaa Kinaras, Festivus Poles, etc. Or maybe a pic with you shaving with your ugliest holiday sweater or a glass of that high octane egg nog that helps you cope with the family over the holidays! Holiday themed soaps and aftershaves? Baking cookies to bring to the office to impress your boss? Did you hand-make a dreidel? Letโ€™s see โ€˜em!
Are you lucky enough to be on a cruise or lying on a tropical beach? That counts as a holiday and we wanna see it! Are you getting all spiffy for midnight mass? Letโ€™s see your shave setup. Opened a great bottle of wine or booze this week? Tell us about it or incorporate it into a photo. This isnโ€™t only about that old dude with the white beard!

Per usual, if you donโ€™t have anything festiveโ€ฆ post your shave or tell us about it anyways! As always, being creative and having fun IS mandatory but sticking with the theme is NOT mandatory but encouraged.

Have a Happy and safe Holiday season, All!!!
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Razor - DScosmetic Titanium with Yaqi Mellon head
Blade - London Bridge
Brush - Black Boar
Bowl - 1850 Indian Brass Pan
Soap - Kasebella - 1996 Savon 'd Alep 70% Laurel/30% Olive Oil
Cologne - Ard al Zafaaran - Dirhan Oud
Attar - 1996 - Qadeem Cambodian Vintage Oud
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The Baron of Bokeh
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Tuesday Shave
RAZOR: Timeless Titanium 0.95 Karelian Masur Birch
BLADE: Personna Lab Blue
BRUSH: Rudy Vey Butterscotch 20mm Silver Tip Badger
LATHER: D.R. Harris Marlborough Shaving Soap
POST: Wholly Kaw Fougere Mania Aftershave Splash
POST: Myrurgia Agua De Colonia 1916 Original EDC
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Face wash with Cera Ve Face Soap
Shavemac Silvertip
Captains Choice Copper & Old Spice Mug
Timeless SS SB .68
PolSilver Super Iridium
Thayers WH & Proraso ASB
Yves Saint Laurent
This was the fifth and final shave with the Timeless Razor/PolSilver combination It was a perfect shave but I could feel the blade was not as sharp as I like. Nevertheless, the Timeless and PolSilver Super Iridium combination did a nice job. Today I am using the 2023 B&B Contributorโ€™s Brush made by Paladin. Like all a Shavemac Silvertip, #177. I got this brush quite a few years ago from the Sue Auction. The Cella continues to perform perfectly. This was my 39th use of the chunk of soap I cut from the 1 kg block. A perfect 10/10 shave. Have a great day and week, folks.
Monday 12/23
DecemBOAR Day 23

All BOAR Brushes - All Month

As far as Half DE Shavettes go this one is not bad
The blade holder has guarded ends that protect
Finish Pass with the Gillette Super Adjustable 109
Overall an Amazing Shave

Razor: FOCUS Clone Black Shavette
Blade: Gillette Perma Sharp Half DE (2X)
Lather: Mama Bear's Soap AGED SPICE
Brush: Omega 21713 Ash Wood BOAR
Post Shave: Osage/Mennen/Glacial Splash Mix

Post Shave: Strike Gold Shave NOSTALGIA Aftershave

Well today Monday I used my Vintage 1957 Gillette Flair Super Speed again, with a Gillette 7 O-Clock Permasharp Blade. Day Number SIX usage of Blade. Still like all the Gillette 7-O Clock Blades. Find what work for me is what we use to do when chopping wood for wood stove that heat house. Series of should Chopping strokes of Razor 1โ€-1.5 โ€œ long, then repeating the process, until all part of face are shaved. Only do this With Grain, and Across Grain.

The Shave was almost as good as day ONE, call it a 9.7, Very Good Shave. Blade does not seem to be getting DULL, so I plan to use again Tuesday. Canโ€™t say nothing bade about Gillette 7-O Clock blades, all colors, all type get high marks.

Again used the Cremo Classic today, tried doing two applications, and two passes. Think I found the best way for me to use this product with great result, think you got to reapply a little more Cremo between passes for optimal results.

The Cremo is very slippery, but you got to reapply between passes to get good results. IMHO. No way this Cremo tube is really a 90 Supply Tube?

December 23, 2024 Monday shave

Razor: Schick Model L Injector
Blade: Schick (2)
Soap: Stirling Scots Pine Sheep
Brush: AP Shave Co. 24mm G5A
Aftershave: Old Spice Original

This was the 2nd shave with this NOS Schick injector razor. Like the first shave, it was easy and close with no issues. It is SO easy to use this razor!
The combination of the Scots Pine Sheep and AP Shave Co. brush was terrific! This was a good start to the week!

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Monday SOTD
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Razor: Occam Open Comb Razor
Blade: Gillette Spoiler (D1)
Brush: Rod Neep Retro Deluxe Manchurian badger 24mm
Scuttle: Woodhead Medium
Pre-Shave Scrub: PAA Iced Enigma Machine Cube 2.0
Pre-Shave Balm: Proraso Single Blade Wood and Spice
Shave Soap: DFS Horizons
Balm: Proraso Single Blade Wood and Spice
Aftershave: DFS Horizons
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