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Merkur HD 34c

Well, after shaving with good ol Gillette safety razors for about 48yrs, I finally pulled the trigger on a Modern razor. Last night I ordered a Merkur HD 34c and can't wait to try it out. Any suggestions for good blade combo's for this razor? Is this considered a mild/middle of road for agressive razor?
(of course, I ordered it late last night after wife went in bed - and hoping she will be at work when it gets delivered <G>)
About every blade in production (and out btw) has its die-hard fans. That won't help you one bit I guess.

I suggest to start with a blade you already use and like and take it from there. No much use in changing all variables in one time.


B&B's Man in Italy
Thomas, the HD is an excellent shaver and I consider it moderately aggressive. Which blades? Those you loved in your "good old Gillette".
I humbly agree with Marco. The hardware is excellent and you don't have to change your blades. I use my 34c in rotation with a few Gillettes.
The razor I'm using right now (and most of the time) is a Red Tip Gillette. Haven't really tried too many blades. I usually use the Personna clones I get at Fred Meyer for about $2.00 a pack. Been using them for years and get decent shaves. Would like to try some different blades and I see alot of discusion on favorite blades. I was thinking of trying the Gillette 7oclocks or the Derbys. I've read mixed reviews on the Merkur blades but anything has to be an upgrade from the generic Personna's I've been using...
My first and only razor is the 34C HD. I have used Sharks exclusively until I threw on a feather a few days ago. I get great shaves with the Sharks and the feathers so far seem to aggressive for me. Also going to eventually get a sampler pack and just take my time moving through and eventually finding the exact blade I like.
Thomas, the HD is an excellent shaver and I consider it moderately aggressive. Which blades? Those you loved in your "good old Gillette".


I started DE shaving with my 34c HD. I still use very shave, but try my Futur every now and then (still learning with it).

Use your regular blade first. I'm a fan of 7 o'clock yellows and feathers.
If you are using the generic personna's and looking to sample, you already know the advice... blade sample pack from any of the usual sources. Go from there, starting with your normal use blade. :) I love my 34c HD. According to the chart in the wiki, it's a hair more aggressive then many/most of the non-adjustable vintage gillette's.
Congratulations for the good choice! The HD is the modern razor I use most often. It's not picky on blades. Try it with the blades you have. It's not aggressive; it's very efficient.
+1 on the Merkur being a very nice razor. As for the blade(s), by all means get a good size blade sampler. Compare any new blades to the ones you now use and see if there's better out there.
You're going to love that razor. I'm a recent convert to DE shaving, and after trying a couple of other razors, I got a Merkur HD from a hobbyist / vendor here on B&B. I've had a few shaves with it this week, and it's very nice. As Marco said, it's a medium-aggressive razor: more so than my vintage Gillette Super Speed and Tech, but not so aggressive that it scares me.

As everyone has said, blades are very much a matter of personal choice. I was doing well with Astra SP blades, which are very affordable, but I recently started using Feathers. You'll find your own favorites soon enough.

HD 34C is my first DE razor and I'm keeping it no matter what. After trying other razors, especially vintage Gillette razors, I like how HD 34C feels in my hand; heavy but balanced, trustworthy, and dependable. I got good shaves with any blades I got hold of.
Feather Hi Stainless and Personna Platinum Chrome blades work well in a Merkur HD razor.

The HD is my favorite DE and is the workhorse of the bunch.
To me, it is an honest razor- it allows the real character of a blade show, for better or worse.
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