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Merkur futur

i am totally intrigued by the looks of this razor can anyone tell me where i might get the best price on one of these? i have seen a few on EBAY but being in Canada most of the sellers hit you with big shipping costs which amazes me as we are on the same continent! anyway if anyone has any suggestions i would be grateful,it also might save me some time looking around.thanks in advance regards to all!
They also come up on BST rather frequently (as long as you can get a seller willing to ship to Canada).
It does cost quite a bit more to ship from the US to Canada. Plus, in many cases, the Canadian will have to pay taxes on top of the purchase price and shipping. You would probably be best served by buying in Canada.
I just got mine today from a guy in Australia. He shipped it to Canada no problem. Got in the B/S/T section here on B&B. Great place to hang out you just have to keep your wallet handy. I have to stay away actually. :D The wife is starting to wonder where all this stuff is coming from. :D
I have researched pricing on the Futur all over the place, I am in Canada too by the way. The best price is from connaughtshaving.com it will cost you just under 70 Cad with shipping included
Great razor! Not worth waiting to purchase for $2 or $3 one way or the other! Get it now! The Futur is making me contemplate selling my long handled progress!
I have researched pricing on the Futur all over the place, I am in Canada too by the way. The best price is from connaughtshaving.com it will cost you just under 70 Cad with shipping included

That's a nice price. Go for it I say.
There was a booth at this weekends Dickens festival in Riverside Ca selling this razor for $159.00 I asked why so high the operator looked at me and said obviously sir you have no clue the value of these magnificent razors. I just snickered and walked away.
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