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Merkur 38C First Impressions

So I bought this razor off of a fellow member on Badger and Blade, and I must say, I'm liking the build quality. I slipped in an Astra Super Premium Blade for my first attempt at shaving, with some cheapo Old Spice in a can shaving cream.

Couple cuts, from pimples. Wasn't as close as I thought it would be...

Then I FINALLY got some Kiss My Face Moisturizing Shaving Cream, and used a Derby Blade. Man was that a close shave. I still cut myself 3-4x a day from pimples.

Special Thanks to rickboone1 for sending me some free samples razors to test the razor out before I go out and buy a 100pack of blades!!!
I prefer Derby blades to the Astras, but I prefer Red Persona to the Derbys. Keep trying different blades because once you find a winning combination you can say goodbye to nicks, even over acne. I still get occasional acne, and I can shave right over them without any nicks or irritation. DE shaving rocks!
Sounds like you've found a razor that fits you well. Now keep trying different blades until you find the best combination for you. You'll probably want to try a few different razors too, and that's fine. Just watch out for the AD's, they'll sneak up on you. :scared: :wink2: :001_tongu
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