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Merkur 11C Has Kind of Changed My Life

A razor has changed my life? What am I crazy? I guess we all are in our own way. After using many modern DE razors, I had been dying to try an open comb razor. So I chose the 11C. The same as my beloved HD in size and weight, I thought it would be a logical choice. All I can say is the best my shaves have ever been is very good. But thanks to the 11C they have turned to great. I find with such a thin streamlined head I can really feel and control the blade angle in a way I never could before. And any red bumps and irritation is all but gone . I wish I had tried an open comb sooner. I know the 11C is considered a mild open comb. But I am anxious to try more. So where do I go from here? Considering a Cooncat Bob Of some sort.
if you're liking the open comb experience, i'd suggest a vintage gillette "common bar handle" NEW. they're fantastic razors that are sometimes overlooked.
Glad to hear that you are enjoying the Merkur 11C. I had one and it did a pretty good job, but I PIFd it to a friend when I put together a starter kit for him. Might be time to replace it!
I also at times use a Merkur 11C and it's a decent shaver :thumbup:. You should also try and get a Gillette NEW it produces some fine shaves. You might have to experiment with the short and long combs to find your preference.
I have a Merkur 15C which has the same head design as the 11C. I really like it. I also have a long comb NEW from Cooncatbob which I find considerably more aggressive than the 11C/15C. I could use my 15C daily, but the NEW is just too aggressive for me to use daily. I take it out for 2 or more days growth.
I shaved with a 12c this morning for the first time.I really like how it is easier to get the hairs under my nose and in the corners of my mouth.
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