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Mentolated English Leather?

Got this nice little group in today. The "Cool Musk" on the end came nearly empty, unfortunately...I say that because a dab or two on the neck - about all that's left - surprised me with a very familiar tingle. "You gotta be kidding me," I thought. So I applied some to the upper arm, applied nose to arm, breathed deep and holy cow! is this stuff mentholated! It's reminiscent of Osage Rub, but with probably 75% of the menth kick and a sweeter, more pleasant scent...I think there's a definite wintergreen hit in there, too. A unique blend, not like any current menth I'm aware of. This is a menth I would enjoy wearing regularly, which I really can't say for the others I have.

The stuff's from before my time - at least before I paid attention to A/S. Anyone from back in the day know it?

20 min later: menth is totally gone, leaving behind a very nice, very light musk. Good stuff. NOS would probably be cost prohibitive...anyone know of something comparable today?
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