Thanks to Rik for allowing me to basically steal his thread name! Gents, I love every QED scent I have ever tried, but I don't like the shaving stick format. Just not for me. And at the same time, I don't like trying to lather up my brush in a container of soap that is full to the rim. So, I melt them. I melt them into containers, soup bowls, whatever. Something that gives me room to swirl without making a mess everywhere, and preferably something that has a lid...I want to keep them fresh!
I have melted QED's Lavender, Sandalwood, Peppermint, and today's victim, the Patchouli/Tea Tree/Peppermint Stick. I have also melted Col. Conk's Amber, and Classic's Almond and Lime. Glycerine soaps SHOULD melt okay. Soaps with Bentonite Clay should also be fine. Williams Shave Soap bubbles and turns ugly.
1. You can't melt hard soaps.
2. Be sure you want to melt it. I melted my round soaps to mold them into a container. They don't move around, they won't fall out.
3. Watch what you are doing. Once in the microwave, stay with it. The size of the soap will determine the melt time. Depending on the size of the item, and the strength of your microwave, time will run from 10-20 seconds, but may take more time. If you are not sure, start with 10 seconds. The shave stick is somewhat small. I set the timer for 20 seconds, pulled the plug at 16.
5. Any attempt to do this will be your responsiblity. If you ruin a soap, don't blame me or bill me. The information here is only a guideline. This is one time you want to ask questions first.
6. If you have any additional ideas or suggestions, please post them here. We can learn from each other's successes and mistakes.
In it's original form, the QED Patchouli/Tea Tree/Peppermint stick
This disassembles very easily. Just push up from the bottom and the stick comes right out.
No, I didn't use a Veg-A-Matic, but here it is, sliced and diced
The final result: 17 seconds later, and I now have a bowl of soap!
When choosing your container, think about the size of the soap you are melting. This one is an Anchor Hocking bowl that also comes with a lid. They are available at WalMart for around $5.00 for a pack of 4. The shave stick fits fine. If you are going to melt a larger soap, these containers come in a 1 cup size, and for about the same amount of dough, you get 3.
Doing this is no big deal...and your kitchen will smell wonderful!
I have melted QED's Lavender, Sandalwood, Peppermint, and today's victim, the Patchouli/Tea Tree/Peppermint Stick. I have also melted Col. Conk's Amber, and Classic's Almond and Lime. Glycerine soaps SHOULD melt okay. Soaps with Bentonite Clay should also be fine. Williams Shave Soap bubbles and turns ugly.
1. You can't melt hard soaps.
2. Be sure you want to melt it. I melted my round soaps to mold them into a container. They don't move around, they won't fall out.
3. Watch what you are doing. Once in the microwave, stay with it. The size of the soap will determine the melt time. Depending on the size of the item, and the strength of your microwave, time will run from 10-20 seconds, but may take more time. If you are not sure, start with 10 seconds. The shave stick is somewhat small. I set the timer for 20 seconds, pulled the plug at 16.
5. Any attempt to do this will be your responsiblity. If you ruin a soap, don't blame me or bill me. The information here is only a guideline. This is one time you want to ask questions first.
6. If you have any additional ideas or suggestions, please post them here. We can learn from each other's successes and mistakes.
In it's original form, the QED Patchouli/Tea Tree/Peppermint stick
This disassembles very easily. Just push up from the bottom and the stick comes right out.
No, I didn't use a Veg-A-Matic, but here it is, sliced and diced
The final result: 17 seconds later, and I now have a bowl of soap!

When choosing your container, think about the size of the soap you are melting. This one is an Anchor Hocking bowl that also comes with a lid. They are available at WalMart for around $5.00 for a pack of 4. The shave stick fits fine. If you are going to melt a larger soap, these containers come in a 1 cup size, and for about the same amount of dough, you get 3.
Doing this is no big deal...and your kitchen will smell wonderful!

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