Hope this isn't one of those questions that's been asked a million times, but I can't seem to find an answer using the "search" feature.
I've been using Master's Bay Rum for a while now, and am constantly surprised at how much it foams when I rub it on my face. Seriously, I'm tempted to whip out a brush and see if I can build a lather.
It seems to be an effective aftershave. I like the smell, and the suds don't seem to be drying my skin. Still and all, it's curious. Can somebody fill me in?
I've been using Master's Bay Rum for a while now, and am constantly surprised at how much it foams when I rub it on my face. Seriously, I'm tempted to whip out a brush and see if I can build a lather.
It seems to be an effective aftershave. I like the smell, and the suds don't seem to be drying my skin. Still and all, it's curious. Can somebody fill me in?