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Master bay rum - sudsy?

Hope this isn't one of those questions that's been asked a million times, but I can't seem to find an answer using the "search" feature.

I've been using Master's Bay Rum for a while now, and am constantly surprised at how much it foams when I rub it on my face. Seriously, I'm tempted to whip out a brush and see if I can build a lather.

It seems to be an effective aftershave. I like the smell, and the suds don't seem to be drying my skin. Still and all, it's curious. Can somebody fill me in?
I wonder about that, too. Especially since there's nothing in the ingredients list that looks like it should foam.
Strange indeed. I've got a bottle, and it's never done that when I used it. Maybe you got the limited-edition "all-in-one" preshave, soap, and aftershave product!:biggrin1:<jk>
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I've noticed that if I use too much it will suds up a little bit. I've noticed this with other aftershaves also (can't remember which ones though)
Could it also be residual soap on your skin?

I had some witch hazel foam on me one time, and that is all I could think of.
I use master's as well as some other BRs. I don't know if I would classify the feeling I get as "sudsy" but the glycerine in it gives a slightly tacky or sticky feeling. If you use a lot of masters and/or leave my face wet that could be it.
Never noticed a suds effect, with Master or any other AS. My first thought was residual soap, but am only guessing. I like the stuff, however. It leaves my face feeling great.
Thanks for the feedback. It's not residual soap; I rinse pretty carefully, and no other aftershave does this. I do use a pretty healthy splash of the stuff. Maybe it's the glycerin. Guess it doesn't really matter, but it is curious...
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