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Mapping beard?

I find that I'm pretty terrible at mapping my beard growth. What's the best technique for getting a feel for which direction the hair grows?
Letting your beard grow for a couple of days might make it easier to see the direction of growth. Just look in the mirror closely. If in doubt, rub your hand around your face. You'll be able to feel when your rubbing with the grain or against the grain.
Letting your beard grow for a couple of days might make it easier to see the direction of growth. Just look in the mirror closely. If in doubt, rub your hand around your face. You'll be able to feel when your rubbing with the grain or against the grain.
That and a few ATG shave attempts should dial you in. You will get feedback from your blade the closer you get to hitting right on ATG. A light touch with a near end of life blade and you will feel the cutting action.
I think I will let it grow a few days. I do grow facial hair all the quickly, and it's pretty fine stuff, except on the neck. I always find I have a little left on either side of the throat after a 3 pass shave.
I've been wet-shaving over 5 years now, and I've never felt the need to map my beard.

Its a great tool if you're in barber school, but not absolutely necessary for the DIY shaver at home.

Even without a map, you'll learn your whisker patterns easily enough. As your technique improves, you'll find there are some areas that are harder to shave than others, and certain spots that require an advanced technique like J-Hooking or Blade-Buffing.

In the meantime, if you just stick to normal North-South and East-West strokes, you should be getting decent results, and the perfect BBS will come in due time.


Needs milk and a bidet!

Here is a map that might make it easier. draw arrows in the direction your hair grows in the different sections.
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