After being inspired by a few different ideas I decided to take components from several blade banks here on the site and incorporate them. Anyway, here is how you can make one.
Things you'll need:
1 - 4oz can mushroom bits-n-pieces
Clear Packaging Tape
Can opener
dremmel with cutting discs (or knife)
Printout of this image (click it)
Step 1.
Open the mushrooms. You can use one of those nifty can openers that somehow break the seal and let you lift the entire lid off or you can use a traditional can opener and only go around half way.
Step 2.
Empty the mushrooms into a container for later use.
Step 3.
Remove the old label, rinse, wash and dry the inside and outside of the can.
Step 4.
Glue lid back into place
Step 5.
Attach label by applying tape and wrapping securely.
Note: If you apply label correctly the black band will not be visible and the blade insertion hole will be directly opposite king gillettes face.
Step 6.
Cover entire wrapper with clear packaging tape to prevent moisture damage.
Step 7.
Using your dremmel with cutting disc, cut the blade insertion hole.
(Note: if you don't have a dremmel, you can do it with a knife but please be very careful.)
Step 8.
Deposit your blades, get a mullet haircut, and bask in your MacGuyver like coolness.
If anyone wants the psd file for this, just let me know and I'd be happy to share
Things you'll need:
1 - 4oz can mushroom bits-n-pieces
Clear Packaging Tape
Can opener
dremmel with cutting discs (or knife)
Printout of this image (click it)
Step 1.
Open the mushrooms. You can use one of those nifty can openers that somehow break the seal and let you lift the entire lid off or you can use a traditional can opener and only go around half way.
Step 2.
Empty the mushrooms into a container for later use.
Step 3.
Remove the old label, rinse, wash and dry the inside and outside of the can.
Step 4.
Glue lid back into place
Step 5.
Attach label by applying tape and wrapping securely.
Note: If you apply label correctly the black band will not be visible and the blade insertion hole will be directly opposite king gillettes face.
Step 6.
Cover entire wrapper with clear packaging tape to prevent moisture damage.
Step 7.
Using your dremmel with cutting disc, cut the blade insertion hole.
(Note: if you don't have a dremmel, you can do it with a knife but please be very careful.)
Step 8.
Deposit your blades, get a mullet haircut, and bask in your MacGuyver like coolness.
If anyone wants the psd file for this, just let me know and I'd be happy to share