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Make Your Own Blade Bank!

After being inspired by a few different ideas I decided to take components from several blade banks here on the site and incorporate them. Anyway, here is how you can make one.

Things you'll need:

1 - 4oz can mushroom bits-n-pieces
Clear Packaging Tape
Can opener
dremmel with cutting discs (or knife)
Printout of this image (click it)

Step 1.
Open the mushrooms. You can use one of those nifty can openers that somehow break the seal and let you lift the entire lid off or you can use a traditional can opener and only go around half way.

Step 2.
Empty the mushrooms into a container for later use.

Step 3.
Remove the old label, rinse, wash and dry the inside and outside of the can.

Step 4.
Glue lid back into place

Step 5.
Attach label by applying tape and wrapping securely.
Note: If you apply label correctly the black band will not be visible and the blade insertion hole will be directly opposite king gillettes face.

Step 6.
Cover entire wrapper with clear packaging tape to prevent moisture damage.

Step 7.
Using your dremmel with cutting disc, cut the blade insertion hole.
(Note: if you don't have a dremmel, you can do it with a knife but please be very careful.)

Step 8.
Deposit your blades, get a mullet haircut, and bask in your MacGuyver like coolness.


If anyone wants the psd file for this, just let me know and I'd be happy to share
The can idea has been used before, but with broth. That way all that you need to empty out is liquid, and won't require washing the interior of it.
Cool! :thumbup1: What do you do when it is full? I know some places accept "tin cans" as recyclable... would blades fall under that?
Not bad of an idea.
I would suggest that #7 be placed above #3.
If people dont have access to a dremmel then im sure it'll be easier to cut into the can with the lid intact.
Cool! :thumbup1: What do you do when it is full? I know some places accept "tin cans" as recyclable... would blades fall under that?

It's full when you can't fit any more blades in it! It should fit somewhere between 1000 and 1500 blades (I haven't fully done the math, but the blades simply stacking one on top of the other at 1/10mm x the height of the can 146mm... should fit 1460 blades. But a can is circular so you must account for HOW the blades will stack).

If you change your blade weekly (52 blades/year), this storage system will last 20-30 years depending. If you were to build 3 of these storage systems, you'd have a lifetime of blade refuse storage.

At 33 cents/can per broth, you can have a lifetime of blade banks for one dollar. Plus about 24 ounces of broth.
It's full when you can't fit any more blades in it! It should fit somewhere between 1000 and 1500 blades (I haven't fully done the math, but the blades simply stacking one on top of the other at 1/10mm x the height of the can 146mm... should fit 1460 blades. But a can is circular so you must account for HOW the blades will stack).

If you change your blade weekly (52 blades/year), this storage system will last 20-30 years depending. If you were to build 3 of these storage systems, you'd have a lifetime of blade refuse storage.

At 33 cents/can per broth, you can have a lifetime of blade banks for one dollar. Plus about 24 ounces of broth.

:lol: I plan to live much much longer than that!

post no 185 :lol:
After being inspired by a few different ideas I decided to take components from several blade banks here on the site and incorporate them.

Well done. I like the background of Gillette's patent. For a similar bank, and the before and after shots, see post: http://badgerandblade.com/vb/showthread.php?p=2049226#post2049226

BTW ... the can opener you are referring to is sold by Pampered Chef.

As to "what do you do when it's full" question ... if you have epoxied the top back in place, you can throw it in the recycling bin. No human hands will come near the contents. The can will be shredded, then the scrap shaving separated magnetically.
Really dig the image. I agree with an above post - if you use a can of broth, you can skip taking the lid off and just drain the broth out with a perfect slot for your blades!


Self Ignored by Vista
That makes a pretty neat lookin' blade bank!

I had to re-size the label to get it to fit the can I had, but it looks good. This was the first attempt at putting the label on, but have more of the proper size printed out and can get it better next time. :laugh:

Now I need to figure out what would look good on top of the can. :biggrin1:

That makes a pretty neat lookin' blade bank!

I had to re-size the label to get it to fit the can I had, but it looks good. This was the first attempt at putting the label on, but have more of the proper size printed out and can get it better next time. :laugh:

Now I need to figure out what would look good on top of the can. :biggrin1:


I love the graphics!

I used a can of condensed milk for my banks (large one at home and a small one at work). Easy to clean out and I used the milk on my breakfast cereal.
I used a utility knife to cut the slot on the top.

I started out looking at all of the neat old blade banks on ebay but then thought about what I was going to do with a pile of old blades when it was full.:glare:
When my banks get full I will toss them into the recycle bin and start over.
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