I'm gonna(maybe) try... it'll be my first one's.. I tried one a few weeks ago and couldn't get the last of the knot out and scarred it up bad.. So I gotta get me a dremel and other supplies first..
Thanks guys!! Yep, the postman is getting a damn fine christmas present this year!! Was working with one of them last night and the one on the right, the knot was loose.. Well I got to twisting and pulling and the knot just popped out!!! BAM!!! Knot removed!! Just like that.....
Both are real butterscotch. The klenzo will be white on the inside when you remove the knot. Both are very nice handles. What does the writing on the one on the right say?
Both are real butterscotch. The klenzo will be white on the inside when you remove the knot. Both are very nice handles. What does the writing on the one on the right say?
Just set the knot in the Aristocrat. TGN 20mm Super Silvertip set a 45mm loft can't wait to get the bloom!!! Larry from Whipped Dog, who is an amazing teacher, walked me through most of the steps. When it came time to get the knot, he didn't have any...sold out....he then referred me to TGN for the knot. Is that a hell-of-a-man or what?? Thanks Larry!! Well here is a pre-bloom pic!!!!! I'm really excited my first restore!!!