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Made Tough Decision--Removed Classic Aftershaves from Rotation

This will not make me popular around here--not that I was all that popular to begin with...

I have realized for some time now that when my rotation gets to the Aqua Velva Ice Blue/Musk or the Pinaud Clubman, that I'm not really looking forward to wearing them. I used to really like all 3, but as time went on I grew more and more cold towards the respective scents...

I was going to use the current bottles up, and then just not buy any more (unless I changed my mind again about the fragrances). However, tonight I have resolved that wearing AS I don't care for isn't fair--to me, or to the aftershave.

So, the Aqua Velva Ice Blue, Aqua Velva Musk, and Pinaud Clubman are out of the rotation, effective immediately, and are exiled to under the sink for a term to be determined.
Actually, I agree with you. When the storm flags went up over the demise of AV in glass bottles, I ran to the market so I'd have my own bottle to accompany my Pinaud Clubman (which was not seeing nuch use).
First time using the AV Ice Blue had me running about the house, hoping, praying for the cold fire to go out. Second time not nearly so bad, but I asked myself, "Why I am I using this stuff?". Hell ,MacGyver could use this stuff to make plasctic explosive, Flammable till dry warning on the label !. Nope going back to Pashana and Liz Claiborne for better scents.
Alum block does me just fine for atringency and antiseptic purposes.
at first i didn't like the aqua velva musk. it took a few times using it for me really enjoy. but you're right sometimes you're just looking forward to using a certain aftershave. like tonight i really want to crack open my pinuad bay rum but i really need to finish off my booster iced lime.
I'm going through this right now. My favorites are currently taking a back seat while I try to work through the ones that I don't plan on purchasing again.

I'd like to trade them out, but shipping AS is such a hassle.
So, the Aqua Velva Ice Blue, Aqua Velva Musk, and Pinaud Clubman are out of the rotation, effective immediately, and are exiled to under the sink for a term to be determined.

I'm wondering about your Lilac Vegetal! :scared:

Seriously, what I do is use my Aqua Velva Musk, Jovan Musk, British Sterling, Brut, etc. as my everyday work AS/Colognes and save my Creeds, Penhaligons, etc. for the weekends and SWMBO. I work in an engineering department and mostly spend my time around a bunch of guys. If I wore the good stuff to work, these guys would ride me all day long! :blush::lol::blush::lol:
I'm wondering about your Lilac Vegetal! :scared:

Seriously, what I do is use my Aqua Velva Musk, Jovan Musk, British Sterling, Brut, etc. as my everyday work AS/Colognes and save my Creeds, Penhaligons, etc. for the weekends and SWMBO. I work in an engineering department and mostly spend my time around a bunch of guys. If I wore the good stuff to work, these guys would ride me all day long! :blush::lol::blush::lol:

The Veg stays in its place of honor, at the head of all tables! :smile:

I don't think anyone cares about my AS scents except for me--co-workers and SWMBO included. So I just wear what I like. I think I'm going through the phase where I'm picking more up in the scents and as a result am becoming more discriminating.
I had them all, Skin Bracer, AV, AV Musk, Old Spice, Clubman, Special Reserve and LV, I have put all of them to rest. While the old time drug store after shaves were fun and effective, just something about the scent that grew a little old for my use.
This will not make me popular around here--not that I was all that popular to begin with...

I have realized for some time now that when my rotation gets to the Aqua Velva Ice Blue/Musk or the Pinaud Clubman, that I'm not really looking forward to wearing them. I used to really like all 3, but as time went on I grew more and more cold towards the respective scents...

I was going to use the current bottles up, and then just not buy any more (unless I changed my mind again about the fragrances). However, tonight I have resolved that wearing AS I don't care for isn't fair--to me, or to the aftershave.

So, the Aqua Velva Ice Blue, Aqua Velva Musk, and Pinaud Clubman are out of the rotation, effective immediately, and are exiled to under the sink for a term to be determined.

Good for you! Life is too short to wear an AS that you don't like.:thumbup1:
my clubman has been relegated to a shelf in a cabinet in my den, as per the wife; attempting to replace it w/ the special reserve...we shall see how that goes over with the missus. (side note: the SR doen't seem quite as strong, and has a little less floral aroma, the downside being I can still see where people might sniff this one as "old-mannish." I like it, though).


Wanting for wisdom
Well it only makes sense to drop some so you can move on to the "New". It does not invalidate those that you dropped for other folk to find and enjoy. Personal choice is personal.

Happy Trails.

While they are classic for a reason, there is no reason to put the classics aside and move on to something else...I love pizza, but if I ate it too often I'd start wanting something else.

They'll be there if you want to use 'em later.
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