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Mad Men

Anybody else out there looking forward to the Mad Men S4 premiere on the 25th?

I've been watching the re-runs on AMC the last week and I can't wait, love that show.


OTF jewel hunter
Staff member
Heck yeah!

Except we wont get it on telly here. But I'll be buying the DVD's when they come out.
I loved this show when it first came out, but I think it jumped the shark early on. I can't pinpoint an exact episode where I lost interest, but I stopped watching about halfway through the first season.

Still, I might give it a go once again and watch a few episodes for Season 4 ... I mean, how can you not love watching a show where drinking and smoking at the office are not only allowed, but encouraged?
I don't even know if I could pinpoint why I like this show. Maybe it's watching them drink and smoke and make inappropriate comments in the office. It took me two tries to get into it. I watched an episode when it first came out and didn't get into it at all. Tried again a year or two later and started to like it.
Gotta watch the latest episode, Shut the door, have a seat, simply one of the best episodes of a series I've ever seen. Simply amazing and made up for a whole season of somewhat mediocre episodes, except for the lawnmower one lol. Gotta admit I'm getting excited to see it, but am worried that the expectations will be too high.

Frankly though, any episode with a glimpse of Christina Hendricks is worth the watch. Hellllloooo Nurse!!!
Cant wait to see them top the "Lawn-Mower" scene from last season.

The show just keeps getting better :thumbup1:
By far my favorite show on TV. I can't wait to see what direction this season goes. There is such fantastic depth to all of the characters.
I just got into it last week. Been trying to find a good source to watch them completely free without strings attached in their entirety online to little avail. One site will allow you to watch 74 minutes of it then will bar you from watching anymore until A. you sign up or B. 55? minutes go by. But I think I just found something to add to my Christmas list, seasons 1, 2, 3. :thumbup1:
My wife and I love this show. S1 and S2 were much better than S3,IMO. S4 seems to have more to build off of. Unfortunately I have to work the night shift this weekend, so no Mad Men for me:mad3:.

I feel refreshed and renewed, having watched the premiere. I'd wondered which way they were going to take this (after the fantastic S3 finale) and I wasn't disappointed.
I'd heard all the hype and gave it a watch last night. If I were a fan of smoking I guess I'd enjoy it. My gosh, that's all they do. Every scene. Kind of dull otherwise. What is it I'm missing? I'll keep DVR'ing it to try and get into it, but right now...I ain't feelin' it.
Mad Men is one of the few shows my fiance and I agree on. She's usually the American Idol/Big Brother watcher, while I watch History and Discovery.

The premiere was great, I just hope they don't clog the show with a bunch of divorce proceedings nonsense.
I'd heard all the hype and gave it a watch last night. If I were a fan of smoking I guess I'd enjoy it. My gosh, that's all they do. Every scene. Kind of dull otherwise. What is it I'm missing?...

Sure they smoke, but man oh man do they know how to drink! Manly whiskies, too - no silly, flavorless white spirits for them.
So what did any of you Mad Men fans think of the season now that it's over?

Personally I'm beginning to think Don is some kind of idiot or something.
So what did any of you Mad Men fans think of the season now that it's over?

Personally I'm beginning to think Don is some kind of idiot or something.

I think Don has many issues. I was hoping he would not end up with the secretary. He will ultimately discard the poor girl.
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