Last weekend I bought an ounce each of Golden Extra, Burley London Blend, and Symphony. I'm liking all three, but leaning toward Golden Extra a little bit at this point. It seems to be the smoothest and most natural of the three, for me. I keep reading that the BLB is the nuttier, earthier of the three, but I'm getting more of that out of the Golden Extra for some reason. The symphony, to my taste, is almost like a blend of Burley London Blend and Mixture Flake.. I like it, but I like the other two better, simply because they don't remind me of anything else I have. I obviously need to smoke the rest of each sample, and should be keeping notes while I do it, but I'd love to hear people's thoughts on these blends in the meantime. One thing I'd really like to know is how these age.. has anyone smoked any of these blends with some decent age on them? I had no access to bulk Norwood, or I'd have included that.. please chime in on Norwood, if you've tried it.