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Maas paste strop


Anyone here every use Maas as paste for a pasted strop? I've heard of it being done but never heard any real feed back on how it performs compared to other pastes. I can get a 2oz/54g tube maas for about $5us at the hardware store.


- Mike
I've never tried it, but it says on the tube to not let the paste dry. So I don't know if the Maas will perform well when dry. What you could do is buy a tube of Maas, which is inexpensive, and buy a bench strop. The one's I bought off eBay work really well and are very inexpensive. I have a felt and leather bench strop, but the seller also has Balsa wood bench strops. So it's up to you on which one you want to put the Maas on. Here is the eBay link: http://myworld.ebay.com/starshavingsupplies

That is kind of what I was thinking. I'd just have to give it a try to see for myself.

- Mike
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