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M&F 2XL - finally broken in

Almost 20 lathers later and it suddenly broke in.

Yesterday's shave was outstanding.

I wasn't waiting for it to break in. It happened and I noticed.

I can finally say there's a difference between chubby 3 Manchurian hair and M&F finest.

For the first 19 lathers it was sort of similar to the Manchruian in terms of scritch and lack of cloud-like softness.

But the 20th lather was something else. It glided over my face and felt softer than any other time I used it or the chubby 3 Manchurian.
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People say that badgers don't have a break-in period, but they do. They will change after several initial latherings. My Duke 2 was a pin cushion for the first 15 latherings. Then, suddenly, it was super soft. No scritch or scratch at all. My SR3824 was amazing right out of the box, but if experience is any indicator, it will get even better with a little use.
As an admirer of Shavemac D01 2-band hair, I can tell you first hand, and with certainty, that some badger hair takes mucho tiempo to break in (a long time). Even the D01 3-band seems to benefit from a breaking-in period, but not as necessary as with the 2-band. Just about every other badger I've had was good-to-go right out of the box, although they also improve.
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