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Loving my new Shavemac

Just got my new Shavemac #25 brush from West coast a few days ago, its a 26mm knot in silver tip hair. (it was on special too) I'm on day 4 as of today, and man this thing has really opened up today, must have started to break in this morning. What a lather machine this thing is too, I've tried almost all I own at it, and it loves all of the different soaps and creams I have. It's very soft, but still scrubs my face good too. I love long time and can see this relationship lasting the test of time.

Oh yeah, and a little off topic, I discovered one of the worst smells shaving has ever brought upon my senses. Somewhere between the "new badger brush smell", hot water, and williams shave soap, lies a little piece of aroma therapy hell. Don't ever try this at home, as I am a highly trained, professional dummy.

I previously owned a Vulfix 22mm knot super b brush, it's officially been relieved of its duty, placed on a temporary duty assignment post under the sink and also been demoted to "officer in charge of travel duties only". It's only a few steps away from decommissioning now, and discharge from service honorably, as a highly decorated badger brush.- Semper fi, shavemac
I love my Shavemac too. If it smells, shampoo it and soak it in a vinegar/water solution. Some pictures of the brush would not hurt either :wink:
Firsly, congrats on the new brush.

Secondly, I think you should use it daily and let it break in naturally, its all part of getting to know your new brush and enjoying its nuances that reveal themselves gradually.
I know, Im embarrassed to say, but I do not own a 21st century camera......
So, I would love to share a pic with ya, but, am technologically deprived at the moment.
I have the shavemac #25 too! Love it! Although, I did lose about 7-10 bristles in the first month or so, not sure if that's normal.
First thing I do whenever I get another brush is right away I shampoo it, with just about any shampoo, and use a conditioner on it. I'll do this a couple of times, and that usually takes care of any smell. After a couple of shaves the brush gets that nice well used smell. :thumbup: :thumbup:
I got a new shavemac #25 with a 23mm silvertip knot today for my birthday. I used it this afternoon to lather up a new cake of D.W. Harris Alington also a birthday present and was very happy with both the soap and brush. I also was using a Vulfix 23mm best badger brush for the last couple of years and this brush will now be retired to the cottage for use on weekends through the summer.
My 21mm silvertip WCS 25 is my favorite brush. It is well-made, has the best balance between soft tips/firmness and the handle is just right.
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