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Losing brush hairs

I have just Brought a used "kENT P4 Shaving Brush But I am getting a bit worried about it though a lot of the hairs seem to be falling out of the brush if I slightly pull the hairs from the middle of the brush i get a load in my hand in in the photo that's the result of 3 little tugs can someone tell what is happing and how to stop it please. Thanks


  • $IMG_0762.jpg
    41.8 KB · Views: 145
Maybe you can contact Kent, and send then the photo. I had a problem with an AOS travel brush my daughter purchased for me. I had it maybe a year, no receipt. Contacted AOS with pictures. They did not have the same brush anymore so they sent me a check.
The two major reasons for premature hair loss in brushes is constant use with out letting them dry completely and letting soap build up at the base of the knot. I would go the shaving brush wiki about brush cleaning and follow those instructions and see if that does not stop the shedding. Another cause of hair loss is abusive use such as excessive churning or pushing the brush against a bowl, scuttle or face. This actually causes the hair to weaken and break. I enjoy my Kent brushes and find them to be high quality brushes and have not experienced any hair loss. If you can, you may want to contact the original owner to see if he experienced the same condition. I expect that he did if you have just received the brush. Good luck.


Well first off, tugging at hair is just a bad idea. If the hair is coming out shaving (after the initial shed), that's a problem. You don't need to start tugging it out. The only knots I've seen do what you're describing are vintage ones, usually cheaper makers (everReady, etc) where the binding they had used with the hair had rotted away. A current brush should never shed like that unless you are pulling really hard.

This is where I'm torn.

A: What you describe yourself doing could very reasonably destroy the brush assuming you did it with enough force.
B: Giving you the benefit of the doubt, anything but an old, rotted brush should never shed like that even if you tug LIGHTLY at the hair (ANY brush would if you pulled hard), which makes me suspect the previous owner quite possible did exactly what you describe yourself doing and caused this problem himself.

I've never seen a recent brush except a <$1 chinese boar hair that was little more than a stick with house paint and some bristle glued on top shed like you describe. The brush is trash.

But again, in the future, NEVER, EVER, EVER, EVER EVER tug on your shaving brushes hair.

And if you just bought the brush used, this is the sellers problem, not Kents. It would be dishonest to expect them to replace a brush that most likely was ruined and pawned off on you by an unscrupulous seller. Get your money back from the seller.
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three-tu-tu, three-tu-tu
I use a Kent BK8 virtually every day and never lose any hair. I agree that you should get your money back.
Well I can't tell you how to stop it but I can tell you you're only accelerating it by pulling the hair out. Quit tugging at it. I have an Omega boar that loses a lot of hairs. Its annoying, but I paid less than $15 and I'll use it till its unusable. But I'm not gonna tug at it!
I lost two hairs on my lijun finest badger.
I figure to just buy a new one when this one ones bad since its $15
That picture represents the total hair left on the top of my head and believe me I would never tug at it ;-)
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