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Looking to treat myself to a straight shave In NJ or NY where do I start?

I was looking at the NYC shaving company. What is so great about it is that of you buy one of their straight razor (I'm in the market for my first one) they give you a free shave and show you how to use it. BUT, the reviews are terrible. Then there is the art of shaving...has anyone gotten a shave there? there is one at my local mall.

I would be great to buy my razor and get a shave but not necessary. I'm looking for a great experience. does anyone know a place?
I heard that the AOS in Roosevelt field, li has a positive shave result. It's hard to account for second hand experience though.
I didn't realize AOS provided shaves. I saw Dovo starights at their booth at the Short Hills, NJ mall. I'd sooner buy from a online specialist store.
See if a local will take you under their (BBS) wing. Buy a sight-unseen razor and a strop kit from http://www.whippeddog.com. While you're waiting for those to arrive, read up on the basics of straights. When you have the equipment, order a pizza, and invite an expert to help you with the first shave.

There's no reason not to enjoy a straight-shave by your own hand.
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