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Looking for the ULTIMATE SOAP BOWL LATHER brush...

...and need your help! What I own is listed below in order of my favorite so far:
1. Eagle Group Buy brush (love this with cream, kills soap [meaning awesome] and face lathering)
2. Rudy Vey BB SE Butterscotch (this is better with soap imo. looks amazing though, only reason I have it #2 actually)
3. Simpson Colonel 2XL (long and good with cream and a bowl).

I am wondering what the majority of you think is the absolute best bowl/cream brush? Looking forward to responses (and hopefully a conclusion and possible Christmas gift wish-list addition).
Perhaps you could clarify your question. Are you looking for a soap brush or a cream brush? It sounds like you prefer to bowl lather rather than face lather, which will impact the decision. Also, since you said ultimate, I assume price is no object. Also, it would be helpful if you know what type of hair you prefer. IE: Super soft, or with some scrub
I've yet to find a brush from Burma Shave to M&F and tons of TGN knots in between that aren't fabulous with soaps or creams.
Perhaps you could clarify your question. Are you looking for a soap brush or a cream brush? It sounds like you prefer to bowl lather rather than face lather, which will impact the decision. Also, since you said ultimate, I assume price is no object. Also, it would be helpful if you know what type of hair you prefer. IE: Super soft, or with some scrub

Ultimate, price no matter (but value is).
Not floppy but as soft as possible with backbone.
i would say Vulfix 41S, but many find it a bit of a mop... a very luxurious mop though.. super soft, nicely packed, but not uber-dense,
I have said it before, I will say it again: only you can answer this question and it will involve trying at least 2 dozen different brushes
Unfortunately I don't have the money for that (teacher)

Only in America!

OK, to be pragmatic, the best thing is to try out a brushes very different to what you own, while sticking to classics. If you buy on B&B's BST, you can unload them at the same price after one shave and it will only cost you shipping. $100 later, you will have tested roughly 20 brushes. That's not a bad investment given what's at stake here.

To help narrow the choice, you may want to have a look here:
I used my Savile Row 3332 tonight on a puck of MWF. all I can say is how stunned I was. Took about 15 seconds and I had a thick lather on my hands. It's a monster but that 32mm silvertip is definitely a overachiever.
You should probably buy a High Mountain White Size 20 Plisson with an Ivory handle.

Then you'll be sure.

It'll only set you back about $2150.

Remember, you can't shave with a mortgage payment.
Simpson Polo 10 Super 3 band.

Marco is on to something here. The 3-band super hair is supposedly soft and good backbone. Stay away from the 2-band. Although the 2-band is so hard to find that shouldn't be an issue. Any simpson's with a long handle should do

Vulfix brushes are nice. I don't know if I would call them floppy, but they aren't stiff by any means.

Keep in mind, the denser the brush the more cream you are going to have to use and the harder it will be to get it out of the brush. Not a big deal with a $10 tube of Proraso, a different story with a $40 tube of Pens.
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