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Looking for advice, please help


I don't have a funny description.
Hi guys,

I have a Sony Alpha 6000 24.3 megapixels camera which is very old. I bought it years ago. I think I need a new camera.
I'm a beginner, so I don't need something too advanced and too expensive.
My budget is around 1000$.
The companies I like are Fujifilm, Sony, Nikon.
What camera would be good for me in your opinion?

Thank you
Well if you want to take good phots, camera with 24mm - 105mm zoom lens is good.

Then buy a good basic photo book, how to take photos.

Made my living 30 as freelance news photographer.

When Canon came out with EOS System I move from Nikon.

Today you have digital photography, you can take great photo with phones.

Camera is only as good at person pushing exposure button.🥳


Stupid sexy Wing Nut
Have you thought about whether you want a system camera or a fixed lens? If your primary concern is macro, you won’t find the capability that a dedicated lens provides with a fixed lens, but most have a macro mode. I think you can probably get a system with one zoom and a macro within $1k, I may not be the best to advise on specifics though.
If you want to do macro, you may want to consider just getting a decent macro lens for that a6000, it is still a good camera. Is there anything about the a6000 body that is getting in your way?
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