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Looking for a thicker lather

I've only recently returned to the world of wet shaving and, like many new to the sport, have been using Williams. While I can get a good and copious lather from it, I feel that I'd like something a bit thicker, something more along the lines of whipped cream rather than meringue. Perhaps something a bit slicker as well. Any suggestions for a modestly priced and readily available soap that would fit the bill?

Go to Walmart and get van der hagen deluxe, makes very easy lather.

Also try using warm, not hot, water with the Williams and lathering on the puck in a mug. I get great lather that way.
Here are a few of my favorites, that are rich and thick:

L'Occitane Cade
DR Harris- Arlington
Trumpers Vioilets

All are excellent soaps that provide a rich lather. Remember-it takes more swirls to really load the brush with soap (compared to creams). Enjoy!
Another vote for Tabac. Very easy to get great, thick, creamy, slick lather. $12 for a refill from West Coast Shaving last time I checked. Good luck!
The two modestly priced ( $8-10/puck) soaps I like the best have been MWF and Tabac. The Tabac is very easy to lather and has a large sweet spot. By that, I mean the amount of water you need to get a good lather is very easy to get right. It is very forgiving of relatively too much or too little water. For some, the MWF may be a little harder to get just right (I have never had much trouble with it). In terms of performance, they are both stellar but if I had to pick just one, I prefer the MWF. I find it a little slicker and I love the way the lanolin leaves my face feeling.
I agree. The VDH Deluxe is a solid soap, readily available at US storefronts (grocery, drugstore, mass) and in the same price band as Williams.

As opposed to the VDH Glycerin?

Thanks everybody for your input, I'll see what my local sources have to offer in the way of immediate gratification along the lines you all have suggested, before I venture into the ether.



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I've only recently returned to the world of wet shaving and, like many new to the sport, have been using Williams. While I can get a good and copious lather from it, I feel that I'd like something a bit thicker, something more along the lines of whipped cream rather than meringue. Perhaps something a bit slicker as well. Any suggestions for a modestly priced and readily available soap that would fit the bill?


Try charging your brush more.

Cella is a good suggestion. I like Proraso!
Cella is wonderful stuff, which I have compared to shaving with marzipan, a wonderful, soft-almond scent.

Millers Wool Fat (MWF) is also a great soap, using tallow as an ingredient, and having a very light scent. Cella also uses tallow I believe.

For glycerin soaps, I cannot find a better product than Mama Bear. You can order samples, small wedges that are wrapped in wax paper and hand-labeled. You melt the sample wedge in a small bowl (I use a small ceramic ramekin) for about 10 seconds. The glycerin soap melts and takes the shape of the bottom of the bowl, and I find I get about 5 shaves from one sample. For a dollar or so a sample, its great value, and I ordered 20 samples recently from Mama Bear.

Definitely try Tabac. You may or may not love the scent, but the lather is tough to beat. As others have mentioned, it is very forgiving and easy to work into a glorious lather.
For stuff available at local brick and mortars the best things I've found are the CO Bigelow Shave Cream (rebadged Proraso) at Bath and Body works and the Cade Shave soap from L'Occitane. If you're willing to order online, the thicker lather is going to come from the usual tallow based suspects - as people have already suggested there's plenty of great choices: Cella, MWF, Tabac, Speick, Palmolive Shave Stick and more. My favorite for thickest, creamiest lather is MWF but I own, use and love every product I mentioned.
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