I need some help from straight users. I am pretty much a newbie to the site (just past 60 days) and a total newbie with regard to straights. I am beginning to write a novel and I need a very specific straight razor to use as a murder weapon. I hope someone here can help me find a perfect weapon.
The straight I need would have been in use in a high end barber shop in Germany in 1944. It would have been valuable enough that a barber/soldier from the US would have been willing to steal it, but not so rare, because the plot requires that there be three of these in the shop at that time. I like the blades that have engraving/art on them, but it must be a top of the line shaver. It should be extraordinary enough that a non shaver would recognize it is a thing of value and beauty, and sharp enough that a shaver will use it regularly, and cherish it. One of these will be used by a woman to shave her legs. The handle will have to be durable enough to survive more aggressive use than the average shave, with no more than a hairline crack. I was looking at an Engels, but I am hoping for something perhaps more exotic and rare. Extra credit if the company that made it is not in business post WWII.
If you give me a name, I can do the research, however, a picture would be worth my eternal gratitude. Can you help me? Thanks
The straight I need would have been in use in a high end barber shop in Germany in 1944. It would have been valuable enough that a barber/soldier from the US would have been willing to steal it, but not so rare, because the plot requires that there be three of these in the shop at that time. I like the blades that have engraving/art on them, but it must be a top of the line shaver. It should be extraordinary enough that a non shaver would recognize it is a thing of value and beauty, and sharp enough that a shaver will use it regularly, and cherish it. One of these will be used by a woman to shave her legs. The handle will have to be durable enough to survive more aggressive use than the average shave, with no more than a hairline crack. I was looking at an Engels, but I am hoping for something perhaps more exotic and rare. Extra credit if the company that made it is not in business post WWII.
If you give me a name, I can do the research, however, a picture would be worth my eternal gratitude. Can you help me? Thanks