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Looking for a good travel brush

Hey everyone. So, now that I'm completely in love with my EJ BBB I'm finding it very difficult to travel for work without a good brush. I'm turning to you guys to see what products are out there that might meet my needs. Here is what I am looking for:

1. Small and compact. A full size will just take up too much room in my dopp kit.
2. Comes with a container / fits in a travel container. Again, it's going into my dopp kit that gets mashed into my suitcase, so it needs to have some protection.
3. Durable. I want this to last me, plain and simple. I have a dog that sheds... I don't need a brush that does too!
4. Badger. I don't care what grade because I know looking for a specific grade with these requirements really limits me. If you have a great boar brush, feel free to toss it out there. I'm no elitist.
5. Price. I don't want to spend over $50 if at all possible.

The caveat to all of this is that if you recommend something, I'd like for you to actually have some experience with it. I can google search just as well as the next guy so please try to have a little personal info in the product. Referrals from friends work too.

Thanks everyone! I'm curious to see what you all come up with.
My C&E BBB is my travel brush! Fits nicely in a medium size pill bottle which has a couple holes poked in the top for ventilation.
That nickel plated Muhle is just about the sexiest travel brush I have ever seen. I may start sending that link to my wife as a b-day / xmas hint for this year.
I always take my Wee Scot. It does not come with a tube, but I found a suitable container....I would not travel without it.



Around $40 too.
I bought that cheapo Omega turnback - boar knot, plastic pop-in/out turnback style. It cost about 15.00. I pulled out the boar knot (was shedding like crazy) and I popped a 22mm best badger knot in it. Took about an hour to do and the whole project cost less than 40.00. I just glued it up over the weekend - and I can't speak for how long it's going to last - but it seems to be pretty darn durable. I'm sort of inpressed with the simplicity of the turnback handle design on this thing.



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Just came across this online as well.


The Wee Scott has always been on my list as brushes to own, so that might work, and the Case looks REALLY promising.

I can totally see a new sub-AD forming... not just brushes, but TRAVEL brushes. I'm sure my wife will be pleased to see the boxes coming in the mail again. :biggrin1:
I'd say a Edwin Jagger Medium in Best and stick that in a (free) large size pill bottle from your local pharmacy. Just drill a hole in the top and you've got a quality brush + travel tube for under $40!
I bought a couple of synthetic travel brushes from L'OCCITANE.
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It normally is $40 and I picked mine up last week when it was $8.
It has been bumped up to $10 now.

I used one of the two I picked up this past weekend.
I was pleasantly surprised. It lathered quite well.
Even though it was a synthetic, it felt kind of bore like.
Held water OK.
Used a combo of Mama Bear Iced Lime and C.O. Bigelow cream for a perfect Superlather.

The brush packs into itself and is small and compact.
Is it as good as my Black badger brushes? NO.
But if you are looking for something small and a Tweezerman is too big, this is a viable option.


PS Yes I know shipping can be pricey on here but if you order enough stuff, it can be free. Unfortunately their great shave soap is out of stock now.
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Just came across this online as well.


The Wee Scott has always been on my list as brushes to own, so that might work, and the Case looks REALLY promising.

I can totally see a new sub-AD forming... not just brushes, but TRAVEL brushes. I'm sure my wife will be pleased to see the boxes coming in the mail again. :biggrin1:

Hi OldeSchool,

I have the gold version of that brush from Vulfix. It's a bit floppy but it does lather well and I find it works nicely with my shave sticks when I'm on the road at conferences or on holiday. It's 'super badger' if memory serves.

There is a review of the item here which was not entirely positive but YMMV. I really like it and I find that it has a good heft. It is a fairly tiny brush (it is a travel brush after all) that actually doesn't bother me and it still holds a good amount of water for a pleasant shave. It has a very good heft for its size (though some think it may be a little too heavy).
I have both the L'Occitane travel brush and the Crabtree and Evelyn best badger travel brush. Of the two, go for the C&E if you can find one; you could also buy the Edwin Jagger travel brush, it's the same as the C&E as far as I know.
I'm using a Frank Shaving best badger brush, stored in a plastic pill bottle (with a few holes drilled in the bottle for ventilation). Total cost about $17 shipped (pill bottle was free). :thumbsup:
Last Christmas I picked up a travel brush in Faux Tortoise from Rudy Vey here on B&B.

I got the 'Grade A' Silvertip model - it came with a travel tube as well.
The tube is just a tad over 4 inches tall. The Brush is 3.5" from base to tips, and the loft is 1 3/4 (about 44-45 mm). I believe the knot is 18mm at it's base.

PM if you want to know what I paid - suffice to say it's competitive with the Simpson above.
The brush is a great performer - I primarily face lather w/soaps, and this holds enough water with enough backbone to get it done without recharging.

I've used it with Musgo Real Cream (used a bowl there), Arko and Speick shave sticks, MdC and DR Harris (almond) soaps. Rich creamy lather with all of these - soft on the face, doesn't shed, dries quick - a very nice brush.

Christmas is coming and I'll be ordering another, probably in Finest, just so I can compare the two.

I like having the tube as well - after drying, it keeps the brush neat and clean after drying.

Oh, and I had it in 2-3 days - Rudy ships priority mail.

Shown with Shavestick, Merkur 33c and it's home.
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Try Bob's Razor Works.
He has 16mm Finest Badge Travel Brush Aluminum Handle for $45.
Not Cheap but a custom look and feel.:tongue_sm
Bob made me a custom brush and I believe he does a fantastic job. Something for you to try and stays within your budget.
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That nickel plated Muhle is just about the sexiest travel brush I have ever seen. I may start sending that link to my wife as a b-day / xmas hint for this year.

Yes it is! But what kind of hair is that? Pure badger? Whatever it is, how soft is it in comparison to a silvertip?
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