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Look who's getting into the synthetic game.

I just saw this post on twitter. Interesting.

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I'm tempted to be snide and say "more than it's worth," but I have no idea. I just came across the post and thought it was interesting. They seem to be following suit to Muhle's success with the silvertip fibre brushes.
I will be curious to hear how the synthetic brush aficionados around here rate the knot in comparison to Muhle, Omega and other synthetic brush makers. If they become a standard in the line up, I'd love to see them resurrect an older handle design to make it a brush of its own, and not simply a synthetic Duke or Colonel. The more variety for us brush guys, the better.
I'm confused. I read here that the Muhle synthetics are well regarded so I don't understand the negatives in regards to Simpson offering a synthetic. Do y'all think that they won't bring a good brush to market?
Don't get me wrong -- I prefer natural hair brushes. But I am of the mind that the more variety/innovation, the better.
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