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L'Occitane Cade soap being discontinued?

Actually according to L'Occitane CADE soap is NOT done away with......at least yet.

Unless I'm missing something, several people have posted e-mails from L'Occitane saying it is. I guess the cream might be discontinued in the same way without anyone noticing yet.
Unless I'm missing something, several people have posted e-mails from L'Occitane saying it is. I guess the cream might be discontinued in the same way without anyone noticing yet.

This was the post that stated it is NOT begin phased out.

I got this email this morning after I pressed for clarity....I also sent them a link to this thread.

Thank you for contacting L’Occitane.

Though it may be difficult to find, you will be please to know that the Cade Shaving Soap is not being phased out. We are doing our best to keep this particular item in stock so that it does not sell out as quickly as it has been in the past.

Should you need further assistance please feel free to contact us.


L’Occitane/Customer Service
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Just picked up a puck of this wonderful soap on b/s/t - can't believe I never tried it before. The scent and performance are amazing to me.
If you cannot find any, I could spare a puck or two - let me know.

Thanks for the offer. I will look this week. The last time I checked, Bridgewater had a bunch and Short Hills had about 5. The woman there was convinced that they were not being fazed out... lol
Just scored the last puck at a store in my neighborhood. The clerk there said the soap wasn't being discontinued, but I don't trust that she'd be privy to any info to the contrary.
I bought some of the cream last month while I was in Hawaii. I was excited because I finally found a L'Occitane store! (There isn't one anywhere near Boise). The girl was surprised to hear that I belonged to a forum dedicated to wetshaving, and that their stuff got good reviews.

Needless to say, I mistakenly bought the cream instead of the soap, which gets better reviews. Once I found that I had the same results as everyone else, and shook most of the water off of my brush, I got a decent lather from the soap. I like it, but next time I'm going with the soap!
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